"What's wrong with her mom?" Layla asked innocently.

"I don't know honey but don't worry she will be alright."

"I'm home." Mr. Thyme said from downstairs.

"Layla listen to me." She said. "Stay here with Fate and lock the door and no matter what you hear do not open this door before sunrise, you understand?"

"What's going-

"Layla." Mr.'s Thyme said grabbing her, "do you understand me?

"Yes!" She kissed her on the cheek and left, Layla obediently locked the door.

"John, you're home so early today?" Mr.'s Thyme managed to speak keeping the terror out of her voice.

"Why dear, you're not happy to see me?"

"Certainly I am." She smiled.

"Where is Fate?" He asked. His voice was heavy, he looked like a mad person. He hadn't shaved for days. Mr.'s Thyme didn't respond.

"I said where Fate is?" He yelled at her. "In her room sleeping." She replied. Mr. Thyme started to make his way but his wife grabbed him.

"John listen to me she-

Mr. Thyme pushed her and she fell. Her head hit on the floor so hard, she became unconscious.

"Fate?" He pounded on the door. "Open the door."

Layla's heart began to beat faster. She felt scared of her father for the first time. Her dad was pounding on the door harder. She thought that he'd break it. Tears rolled down her cheek she grabbed Fate's hand hoping that it'll all be end soon. After ten minutes the pounding stopped. But the shadow of his footsteps were outside her door. Layla kept her eyes on the footsteps and after a minute or two the footsteps fade away. She silently opened the door and went downstairs.

"Mom?" She screamed. "Are you okay?"

Mr.'s Thyme's head was busted she was bleeding to death.

"Dad?" Layla yelled but no response came from her dad.

There was a knock on the door Layla ran fast and opened the door. It was Ethan.

"Thank God Ethan, you're here she said while crying. It's my mom. She hit her head. You've to help me."

"Come on." He said. He helped Layla pick up Mr.'s Thyme and they rushed to the nearest hospital. She was admitted in the hospital because her skull was fractured from hitting so hard. And she lost a lot of blood. Ethan dropped Layla home because it was pointless of her to stay there.

Fate woke up with no idea what happened last night and she found Layla curled up in a corner crying.

"Layla what happened, why are you crying?" She said.

"You were unconscious, and I heard mom and dad fighting then dad came and started pounding on the door hard. He was calling your name, he sounded angry. When all of this was over I went downstairs and founded mom lying on the floor in her own blood. She's now admitted in the hospital because her skull got fractured." Layla spilled all out once and started crying.

This is so wrong. Fate said. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she sat near Layla and hugged her. Don't worry. She said. She would be okay.

It was Ethan. Layla said. He helped me get mom to the hospital otherwise she would've dead.

Ethan? Fate asked.


He was there, when this all happened?

He came to see dad, when I asked him to help.

Her face was red from crying. Fate hugged her hard and said don't worry I'm here for you.

What happened to you? Layla asked.

I don't remember anything from last night. It was like last night didn't existed for me.

Anybody home? They both heard an unfamiliar voice coming from downstairs.

"Did you left the front door opened?" Fate asked.

"No! I don't remember."

"Stay here. I'll go and check."

"No, I'll come with you." Layla insisted.

They went downstairs and found Ethan standing in the hall, right under the chandelier.

We don't stand there. Fate said. There's a huge risk of that chandelier coming down and actually kill you.

I can handle it. Ethan said laughing.

"I wanted to say 'Thank you' from last night." Layla said gloomily.

"Yes, I was here to check up on how you were doing?" Ethan said. "And how is Mr.'s Thyme now?"

"We just woke up." Fate lied. In fact we were going to the hospital.

"No one is going anywhere." Mr. Thyme growled standing at the top of the stairs. 

Sorry guys, the chapters are not edited yet. And also I would love to have your reviews about this chapter and the previous ones. Thanks for your patience :)

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