Chapter 5: I should've known better

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With his continued suffering he let out a cryptic tweet and put his phone away to pick out what to wear today and what clothes to wear underneath his football equipment, the tweet read "When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you're by yourself. You can be in a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can trust anyone or talk to anybody, you feel like you're really alone." After a while it was 6:30 and he was all packed up for school and football now and had his feet kicked up on the couch and was watching some cartoons before he had to leave when he decided to pull out his phone again since it was going off and vibrating a lot.

When he turned on his phone he had some random people from around the world retweeting his tweet, liking his tweet, and even following him on all social medias, which was weird because he didn't really understand social media that well, he didn't know why strangers were following him or anything. He just kind of scrolled through them until he opened his text messages and he was completely shocked, he decided to click onto some of them and read them.

*All private separate messages*

TJ: Hey broski what's up? Hope you're not sick or anything big practice tonight!!!

Jackson didn't reply, TJ clearly didn't understand the message because he wasn't sick, onto the next PM text message.

Theo: Hey bro hopefully its just a flu or something c u today fam!

Jackson just shook his head and asked himself "Does anybody understand?" he sighed.

This last one caught him by surprise, he wasn't expecting this.

Alexa: Hey... uh can you skip second half and meet me at my locker? I really need to talk to you... I don't want you to feel this way.

Jackson replied as he would get mad whenever someone would think they "know" what's going on just because they think I'm "just depressed"

Jackson: What are you talking about?

Alexa: Your tweet on twitter.

Jackson: So what's it to you?

Alexa: I know what is wrong Jackson, I suffer from depression.

Jackson: hahaha that's cute, you think I'm JUST depressed? There is so much wrong with me that you and no one else will ever know, because no one is worthy to know, the fact that you think you know me is a joke, you dont care about me no one does, you just want to use me like the football guys do especially TJ and Theo because I do all the hard work for them to relax. NO ONE is my friend because NO ONE will EVER understand. I wish you knew... but you can't and you won't ever be able to, because you wouldn't understand.

There it is, Jackson snapped, 15 years of anger built up into one text message. What he thought of was just him venting and didn't think anything of it.

*At Alexas house getting ready for school*

Alexa had just finished packing her cheer clothes for practice after school when she heard her text ringtone she set a different one specifically for Jackson. She was so confused, she was just trying to hint at him that she wanted to talk and hangout after football today but that changed when she sprinted past her parents and ran into her room, locked it, and started bawling her eyes out, she couldn't stop crying as she didn't know what to do. She was hurt, sad, angry, she was just trying to help and flirt a bit but it turned into him going off on her.

After about an hour of crying it was now 7:30 AM and Jackson was already one third of the way to school, he never bothered looking up unless it was at an intersection, Alexa finally got her makeup redone and left for school, Jackson felt so bad that he started to question his actions, he felt even more stupid then he did before, he couldn't believe that one of the first people ever to open up to him and accept him he just snapped on all because of his emotions, he couldn't believe how dumb he had been, so he opened up the conversation.

Jackson: I'm so selfish and blind and stupid, I'm sorry, I'm an idiot and if you hate me or don't want to talk I completely understand, but I will be at your locker today.

Alexa was in the car when that ringtone went off again and she started to tear up before reading it, she started to shed some tears and smiled wide, she was just about to send him an apologize to him but the fact that he apologized and she could tell he meant it, she really wanted to know more about him but she didn't know how she would do it, she sees so much potential in him but he clearly didn't just open up to anyone, she was determined to find out more and replied back.

Alexa: See you at my locker before 3rd, we can skip just the last two periods.🖤

She smiled and pulled up to school.

Jackson wasn't sure how he felt about skipping especially since one, he JUST got out of potential expulsion from his third period teacher, and two, their 4th period teacher was the head coach for football Coach Jordan.

Jackson just forgot about it and left it for later. Although she didn't seem mad at him anymore he couldn't focus, he got to school with less than five minutes to spare because he stalled when he stood around thinking of what to say, when he walked in to school and first period was awful, he kept getting picked on by the teacher because he couldn't focus on the lesson but, thankfully first period ended at 40 minutes instead of 80 minutes because of his football team privilege. He got out and didn't even walk around or look for the guys, he went straight to tech class, put on his headphones and started listening to music while working on his keychain project.

Second period was exactly like first, but it was quick and he got his homework and got out, he walked in the cafe but he put In his headphones and just ate a bit of his leftover breakfast but was mainly focusing on getting his homework done so he wasn't focusing on anything else as he didn't look up or around him once, it got to the point where everyone from the elites table was sitting around him and he heard a vibration and went into his text messages just to see TJ and Theo both ask if he was at school, then it was a text from Alexa.

Alexa: Hey can we meet at my locker now so we have more time to talk?☺️

Jackson thought hard about this because he wasn't sure if he wanted to talk to her in person because he's never talked to a girl in person before.

Jackson: Uh, idk I'm working really hard on this homework.

Alexa: I know.

Jackson: What?😳

Jackson looked up and saw Alexa, he instantly blushed as she was smiling and he got very bad anxiety as he then had seen everyone else was around the table, he started getting really hot, took of his headphones and made a B line for the door, as he ran away Alexa just broke down on her knees and started to cry, everyone was trying to comfort her but she screamed at them sand said "I should've known better, he hates me, it's over, there's no point anymore."

**To be continued**

Blissful Encounter (Alexa Bliss x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora