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Anika opened her eyes and her eyes directly fell on Shivaay who was looking at her with a smile.

A- Shivaay.

Shivaay smiled and hugged Anika.

S- You're fine. I'm so happy.

Anika smiled and hugged him back. After sometime, the priest cleared his throat and Shivaay and Anika broke the hug. Shivaay looked at OmRu who was giving him their teasing smiles.

A- Shivaay, I'm feeling different. But good. I'm feeling very energetic but there's a dryness in my throat. I'm feeling hungry.

S- It's common, Anika. You are in transition. Now it's time for your first meal, as a vampire.

Shivaay forward his hand towards her to feed on him. Everyone gasped in shock and Anika was confused.

P- My Lord....

Shivaay stopped the priest from saying anything by showing his hand. The priest bowed down his head.

Anika wasn't able to control her hunger. Her fangs came to life and she bit on Shivaay's wrist and started drinking blood from his wrist. After sometime, Shivaay caressed her hair and Anika left his wrist.

A- It's yum.

Shivaay chuckled.

S- I know.

Anika smiled heartily but then frowned.

A- Shivaay, what was priest uncle saying when you stopped him?

O- Bhabhi, when a male/female vampire drinks from another female/male vampire, it's a very intimate relationship which bonds them together forever. The priest was asking Shivaay if he was sure or not. But we got our answers and we are happy for you both.

Anika looked at Shivaay with teary eyes. Shivaay smiled at her and caressed her cheek.

Suddenly a scene of future came in front of her eyes and she immediately closed her eyes.

S- what happened, Anika?

Anika opened her eyes after few seconds in confusion.

A- Are we getting married?

Everyone looked at her shocked as this was supposed to be a surprise for her.

S- Yes.. But... How?

A- Oh! I got a glimpse of future where we were dressed in wedding attires.

Shivaay face palmed himself.

S(whines) - This was supposed to be a surprise.

Anika chuckled at him.

R(thinks) - Wow.. My bhabhi is very strong. Even stronger than bhaiya.

Anika looked at Rudra and smiled.

A- Of course Rudy. I'm very strong. Even stronger than your bhaiya.

Rudra looks at Anika with his wide eyes. Anika chuckled.

R- Wow bhabhi. You are awesome.

Anika smiled at him.

P- Your highness, should I tell you about your special powers which you'll have?

Anika nodded her head. Shivaay sat beside her. Omru sat on the side couch while the Priest sat on the opposite couch.

P- Your highness, you will have special five powers. Usually a normal vampire or the Royal Family vampire has two powers which is superhuman speed and the power of hypnotism but you'll have five powers.

THE VAMPIRE'S QUEEN ✔Where stories live. Discover now