~32 The First Day~

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I was kind of nervous about getting on the train. Out of everyone, in both my class and 1-B, I was the only one heading to Hamayoko.

Hamayoko is were I'll be interning with the hero, Luminous. It's a fair sized city, and just west of Tokyo, so it won't be too long of a ride there and back. "You seem nervous [F/N]. Are you feeling alright?" A deep voice said from behind me, taking me out of my thoughts.

I looked over my shoulder to see- MY MAN- Shoji coming over. "Thanks for worrying Shoji, but I'm alright. I'm just a little nervous, heh. I've never been to Hamayoko before, so I'll be exploring completely new territory."

"As expected, but you have nothing to worry about," Shoji's eyes crinkled up at the ends slightly, signifying he was smiling under his mask. "I've visited Hamayoko once or twice before. It's a very nice place, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time there."

After hearing that, I felt a little more at ease. "Thank you Shoji."

"Anytime, [F/N]. Enjoy your week." With that, the multi-armed teen walked off to his own train to head towards his internship.

"I'm off [N/N]!" Denki shouted as he ran over to me. "Wish me luck!"

I gave my electric blonde friend a bright smile and enveloped him in a hug. "Good luck Denki! Try not to shock anyone to death, alright?" I finished with a chuckle.

"Mmhm!!" Denki and I separated as he ran off to his train, followed by a few others. Just as he was about to step through the door, he looked back and gave a giant wave with a smile of the same size to match. "Bye [N/N]!!" He yelled. I giggled a bit as a returned a small wave. The boy kept waving before he was finally pulled in through the door by Sero.

Looking around, I realized that I was the last one there, besides Aizawa of course. "Passengers for train 707, please start heading over now." A female voice said over the speakers.

"That's me!" I whipped my head backwards and waved to my teacher/baby sitter of the century. "By Aizawa~san!!" He seemed shocked that I had said anything to him, but gave me a lazy wave back.

"Don't do anything stupid," He said only half jokingly. "You're dad will kill me if you get hurt."

"No promises~!" Before he had the chance to respond, I quickly ran over to the train door and hopped through. The large vehicle was fairly empty, there were only about six other passengers, which meant I pretty much had my choice of a seat. And I headed straight for the back.

I plopped down in my seat and set by bag and hero costume case below me on the floor. I grabbed my phone out of my bag along with my airpods because I don't speak broke- just kill me please omfg- And started listening to my favorite playlist.

Leaning back in my seat, I gazed out the window at nothing in particular. 'I hope Luminous is as good a hero as I think she is...'


"Holy crap..." I stared wide eyed at the building at which Luminous had told me to come to. Like I mentioned, Luminous is a pretty underground hero, but even then she's been able to make it to twenty-seventh in Japan. Luminous's agency building wasn't big, but it was beautiful.

 Luminous's agency building wasn't big, but it was beautiful

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