Chapter Four: Sadie

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"You know I like him, so why are you taking him away from me?" cried Britt, huffing dramatically.

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Alice slowly, a faint smirk on her mouth. She calmly walked away from a whining Britt and snickered with Tori.

"Did you seriously make out with Flash in front of Britt to piss her off?" asked Tori, a smile on her face.

"Watch," whispered Alice. She put on a seductive smile and walked over to Flash. By now, she'd gotten every person's attention, including Wyatt, which I thought was impressive considering the amount of devotion he had to watching his grass.

Alice put her hand on Flash's shoulder and pulled him toward her. She calmly began making out with him on the spot as Britt watched in fury. If this was any other occasion, I would've thought Alice was a slut, but the fact that she was doing this purely to piss Britt off erased all that.

I almost laughed out loud when I saw Britt walk over to Diesel. Always have a backup plan. It was just too bad that Diesel's attention was fixated on Alice.

It got even better when Alice winked at Diesel. Jax laughed under his breath, and I smacked him. This was getting too boring.

"Alright, well, if you two little shits are done with your little session, we can start the campfire now," I announced. Flash seemed unhappy to end his makeout, but walked over to the fire with Diesel. Alice smirked, and I mouthed 'nice job' at her.

She really wasn't the spoilt little girl I thought she was in the beginning. There was something about her that screamed 'I'm in control'.

Once everyone was seated around the campfire, Flash clapped his hands. "Let's tell horror stories."

"But I'll be scared," whimpered Britt, and gazed longingly at Flash. Flash gave her a long, unreadable look that didn't show anything other than the word unimpressed.

He sure as hell wasn't the only one.

"Oh, I've got it." Diesel jumped up in excitement. "Do you guys know about Jasmine Lake?"

"Isn't it just that lake over there?" Flash frowned.

"That's not a lake, it's a graveyard. Haven't you heard about the person, Jasmine Lake?" Diesel said, with awe and giddiness evident in his voice.

Great. So there was someone called Jasmine Lake. This was just weird.

"See, my big bro Wyatt here was at camp when this place was still a summer camp for kids, and Jasmine was here. He was the youngest. I remember picking him up with my parents after camp. Everything was so chaotic." Wyatt didn't seem comfortable with the subject. His eyes were blinking erratically, and his focus no longer seemed to be on the grass. "I'm pretty sure I saw her sister go crazy or something." Diesel laughed. "Anyway."

"The story is that Jasmine Lake was the most popular girl at camp." Diesel's gaze flickered around everyone in the circle. "Sharon Prince was her best friend. But she was never as popular as Jasmine." Flash sniggered.

Alice glanced up and sent Flash a withering stare that vanished as soon as it appeared. "There's no need to be popular. Just influential."

"And not be a drama queen with as many crushes as the amount of extensions she owns," added Tori, giving Britt a look. Britt blinked at her. "Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Tori shot her an unimpressed glare. "Seriously, this is so stupid."

"It's true, though! Sharon Prince lived on our street, right, Flash?" Diesel gave Flash a questioning look, asking for confirmation. Flash nodded.

"But that's not related!" The attention was quickly back on Diesel. "Anyway, Sharon was jealous of all the popularity Jasmine had, so she arranged to meet Jasmine by the lake. There, she murdered Jasmine and dumped her body in the lake. A few days later, they found Sharon dead, in strange circumstances. People figured out what happened afterwards, and believed that Jasmine's ghost killed Sharon." Diesel's eyes were wide and bright. "It's said that her ghost still haunts Greyard to this day."

For good measure, Diesel went silent for a few seconds afterwards. I didn't find it scary. I found it pleasant to not have to hear him, if it was only for a short moment.

"Boo," shouted Flash loudly.

Alice and Tori burst out laughing, followed shortly by Britt's rather forced chucking, as she genuinely looked a bit scared. Jax just scoffed and took another drag from his cigarette. I just shook my head disapprovingly. "Seriously, this is reminding me of a fucking child's camp. Can you up your game a little?"

"Oh, I can up my game a lot." Flash grinned and winked at me.

This is getting almost as old as my dead grandmother.

Suddenly, Tori stood up. "This is boring. I'm going back to my tent. Alice?" Apparently, they shared a tent, and Britt had her own, bright pink one. Unsurprising. Britt lingered a little longer, her eyes on Flash. Flash caught her gaze, and seeing how I had rejected him a billion times and Alice was just using him, he smirked at her. Britt's mood was considerably lifted at this, and she smiled at him. "You want to come with me?" she giggled.

Before he could respond, Diesel put his hand over Flash's eyes. "The pink would blind him, so that's a no. Very sorry, sweetheart." His tone indicated the exact opposite.

Britt huffed, and would you believe it, she finally left.

Diesel suddenly remembered something. "Wyatt!" His brother's head shot up, alarmed. "Wyatt, tell them about Jasmine Lake. You went to camp with her."

"I don't want to talk about it," mumbled Wyatt, flickers of panic across his face.

"Come on!" Diesel was getting a bit agitated, and I felt the need to stop him. Although I was a reckless, uncaring girl, it didn't mean that I didn't have respect. Wyatt obviously didn't want to say anything, so Diesel shouldn't have pushed.

"Ugh, you're no fun." Diesel shoved Wyatt.

All of a sudden, Wyatt stood up and glared at Diesel. It was the first time I'd ever heard him do anything like that.

"I said, I don't want to talk about it," he seethed, and stormed back to the tent.

Out of respect for Wyatt, I decided to be the first to speak up.

"You know, Diesel, you're an inconsiderate little shit," I commented. Jax nodded in agreement next to me. I considered staying in touch with him after this. He didn't seem like that bad of a guy.

I shook my head and got up. "I'm going to bed."

Here Lies Jasmine Lake | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora