Steve ~ hey Back it up!

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" Steve, did we have homework to do tonight? " I asked him pausing making us stop walking

" I don't think so?" he said making me giggle I nodded and looked over at Dustin He seemed sad

" how's school going for you, Dustin?" I asked him looking down at him trying to make conversation with him

" it's going okay, I guess," he said I looked down at him and hugged him

" it's okay Dustin, Hey how about tomorrow me, and you go to the arcade and play games and have a fun day at the arcade," I said trying to make him feel better

" I would love to," he said getting happy which made me happy I smiled and bent down to hug him

" Okay I'll be back you two go ahead of me, I forgot something," I said kissing Steve on the lips before I left

" Y/n smelled nice when she hugged me and she was so soft," Said Dustin Steve looked at Dustin and smiled agreeing with him

" yep she's amazing," he said, Dustin nodded

" Yeah, and gorgeous," he said Steve turned around and shoved the flashlight in Dustin's face

" Hey back it up, she's mine," he said making Dustin raise his arms up in surrender

" Okay, okay but I'm just saying "

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