Fussy baby

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Caregivers - JinHope
Little - Jimin 0-2

Jin and Hoseok are so in love with each other but for a long time something was missing. Until they met Jimin.

*the day they met Jimin*

Hoseok and Jin are the CEO's of the toy shop Hamleys and one day they went to look around and they noticed a cute boy playing with teddies.

Jin squeezes his boyfriends had "i think he's a little"Jin says "a little?" Hoseok says very confused "you know Taehyung and Namjoon and little Yoongi" it took Hoseok a while but then he realised and his brains clicks "Jin that's what we were missing we need a little i'll go talk to him" Hoseok walks away before Jin can say anything. "Hello do you like the teddies" "yes yes they are so fwuffy" the boy says very cutely.

Jin comes up to him "are you a little?" Jin says and the boy looks up and gets scared. "omg i'm sorry i didn't mean to" the boy puts the teddies down and starts to walk away but Jin grabs him, "no no it's ok my husband and I are looking for a little to look after" "really?" the boys eyes light up "yes now what's your name" "oh um Jimin" Jimin says. " I'm Jin and the is my husband Hoseok.Do you like those teddies we are the COE's of this toy shop so you have as many teddies you want this is our number call us and think about" they give Jimin there number and Jimin leaves. Hoseok turns to Jin "you did well" kisses him and they go home to see if Jimin will call.

Jimin goes home and instantly goes little. He goes to find his favourite stuffie Puff the Penguin. "Puff guess what?" Jimin asked his penguin " two people asked me to be their little they will ask look after me so i don't be wonely shall i call them?" Jimin says and Puff nods.  

Because Jimin is in little space he doesn't want to come out so he calls them being little. So, when he went to call Jin and Hoseok it was difficult. "hello?" "hi i'm Jimin I say yes to being your little" Jimin tries to say "oh sweetie thank you we will pick you up tomorrow ok we love you"Jin says "wuv you too" Jin caled help but coo. Jimin hung up and went to play with his teddies. Jin goes to Hoseok and kisses him "we have a little".

The next day big Jimin texted them his address and packed everything little for Jin and Hoseok. he told them that yesterday he was 3 but usually he is a lot younger. Once they got to Jinhope's house Jimin got settled in very quickly. he fully moved in after 3 months because Jin and Hoseok love Jimin big or little. 

Jin is so pleased that Hoseok thought about having a little because this is the best decision except for marrying Hoseok. Jin loves Jimin and so does Hoseok.  

*back to present*

Jin is downstairs making breakfast for his husband. Hoseok sneaks up on Jin and back hugs him "good morning my love" Hoseok would say every morning to his husband he would always kiss him before Jin could reply. 

Once they finished kissing they hear a loud wail come from the baby space room. "i'll go get him" Jin says leaving Hoseok to server breakfast. Jin is Jimin's mama Jimin is a lot closer than Hoseok. Hoseok found it very difficult because he was needed very much but now Jimin loves to cuddle Hoseok. Hoseok is Jimin's dada. 

Jin take Jimin gives him and dummy changes his diaper and take him down stairs. Jin notices something is wrong he's being fussy. 

Hoseok notices them and stops eating "oh there the little baby" Hoseok says taking Jimin away from Jin "he seems very fussy i'm not sure what wrong" Hoseok takes him to the sofa and Jin follows worried about his little baby. Is his baby getting sick?

Jimin spits out him dummy Jin  picks it up and puts it back in but Jimin spits it back out again. Hoseok holds him like a baby Jimin starts to suck on his nipple through his shirt then Hoseok realized what Jimin wants "oh baby let me just take my top off" Hoseok takes it off and Jimin instantly sucks on his nipple. Hoseok starts to breastfeed Jimin "awe look at my boys"  jin says and takes a picture "don't you dare show that to anyone" "oh, i won't but it's cute i'm glad you found out what he wanted i love you" Jin says "i love you too". 

Hoseok kept breastfeeding Jimin until he stopped suckling and fell asleep Jin took him away and Jin and Hoseok stayed in Jimin's room until he woke up to see if he needed to be breastfed again.

Jin and Hoseok are complete with Jimin and Jimin feel safe with his caregivers and wouldn't change it for anything else.  

Hope you liked it. Thanks s took me a week to make so hope you enjoyed it.
Love Midnightanna xxxx 🇰🇷💜

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