"What is it, Michelle?" Ray asked.

"How long does it take for the ectoplasm to wear off?"

Ray thought for a moment.

"I don't know, but I'd say five-to-seven hours."

"What would you need ectoplasm for?" A deep male voice asked us.

We all turned around to see a tall ghost police officer with brown hair and blue eyes, whom was wearing a tan uniform. Uh-oh, we were really in for it now!

"Hello, kind officer," Miles greeted him, trying to keep his cool, "How may we help you?"

"How may you help me? You can help me by telling me why you need ectoplasm!"

The police officer was clearly not frightened by Ray, Miles, and Louie because he was a ghost too and he could turn himself into a bloodhound as well.

"Well, you see, we were planning on having a work out competition, so we need to gather up our ectoplasm, so that we could tell who worked out the most!" Frankie lied, while managing to keep a straight face.

The police officer raised one eyebrow. "You sure that you guys aren't humans?"

"Oh, we are positive, officer!" Mrs. Thunderman lied.

"You look familiar," the officer stated, as he pointed towards Mr. Thunderman, "Have we met before?"

"No, officer," Mr. Thunderman said, being truthful.


Mr. Thunderman laughed. "That would be me!"

"And I am assuming that these are your children and wife?" The police officer guessed, as he pointed towards Mrs. Thunderman, Billy, Nora, Phoebe, and Max.

"That would be us!" Phoebe agreed, "The Thunderman's; super heroes that have been saving the world for a long time now!"

"Well, to repay you, you super heroes and ghosts may go," the police officer told the Thunderman's and Preston's, "But I am going to have to take your human friends to ghost jail for trespassing!"

"No, not again!" Frankie cried, "I mean, whoever said that we're human? We're ghosts! Watch me!"

Frankie then levitated herself into the air, then slowly brought herself back down. Goomer, Cat, and Billy all gasped gasped.


"I had no idea that you had ghost powers, Frankie!" Billy exclaimed.

"How did you do that!?!?" Goomer asked, shocked.

Dice, Nona, Mom, Frankie, Phoebe, Max, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Carly, and I all face palmed ourselves.

"Yep, you guys are definitely human," the officer stated, as he pulled out his handcuffs, "Come with me."

"Please excuse Cat, Goomer, and Billy," I kindly told the officer, "They banged their heads really hard this morning and are suffering from amnesia."

"Oh, I love that song!" Cat told us.

"No, not the song, Cat. The kind that you get from brain damage."


Billy scrunched up his nose and squinted his eyes at me. "Wait, Taylor, we hit our heads this morning? I don't remember that!"

"Well, that's what amnesia does to you, Billy!" Carly explained, going along with my lie.

"Ok, enough with the lying," the police officer told us, "You guys are coming with me to ghost jail."

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now