Ari slowly walked into the kitchen, and said with a deep voice, "Health inspector here. I got a call about rats." "Oh damn it! I thought we caught them all I'm sor- Ari?" Lorelei said in shock. "The one and only, Ms. Gilmore." "Oh please you make me sound old." "Haven't you heard? 32 is the new old, Lore." Ari said jokingly. "Oh honey I missed you!" Sookie said coming to hug Ari. "Sookie the pan!" Lorelei yelled. Sookie was very clumsy in the kitchen, but hell, she was a damn great chef. "Trevour! The pan!" Sookie yelled at the poor chef as she hugged Ari then went to fixing the pan. "What brings you here?" Lore asked. "Case." Ari whispered. The Gilmore's knew all about hunters. "Fascinating. Bring anybody?" "Just my brothers. Wanna meet them?" "Hell's yeah! Let's go. Oh, and your rooms are half priced for the first night." "You are the greatest. Lunch at Luke's to catch up?" "As if I would ever turn down his special coffee." Lore said walking into the lobby, "Michelle? Whats Ari's room number?" "Probably double digits because the first floor is filled." Michelle answered sarcastically. "Thanks for the help Michelle." Lorelei said and figured out her room number. "Ah, room number twenty-seven. May I take your bags my lady?" "I regretfully decline. But thank you my brethren." Ari said and snatched the keys from the top of the desk. I'll see you at Luke's at one!" Ari said and started up the stairs with Sam and Dean behind her.

They got to room twenty-seven and unpacked. The boys were in twenty-six, with only a wall and a door in between them. Ari opened the door that connects the two rooms and asked the boys, "Do you want to come to Luke's with me? It's a wonderful diner and I want you to meet Luke and everybody around the town." "Sure. The town sounds great." Sam said. "What about you Dean?" "I'll come too!" Dean yelled from the bathroom. "Cool. Well whenever you guys are ready, I'll be next door." Ari said. About ten minutes later everybody was ready. They walked to the parking lot and drove for five minutes, getting to Luke's. In the car ride, Sam and Dean asked some questions. "What was Luke like?" "How is his diner?" "Do they have steamed vegetables there?" "Is the town wonderful?" "What about the Indian food place? Is that good?" The boys had some questions and Ari happily answered them all. "Luke is great. He is a big softie but at first he acts like he doesn't care but he really does. The diner is amazing with amazing food and service. They probably do have steamed vegetables because Luke is a health freak. The town is better than wonderful. It's a large home. Everybody embraces you as their own. And the Indian food is great. It's called "Al's Pancake World." It was originally a pancake restaurant but he turned it into a multi-cultural food place. He kept the name though. I really don't know why." "We're here."

The parked the impala and went in. "Hey Lukie, where should we sit?" "Well I'll be dammed. If it isn't Arianna, and who is this?" Luke said. "This is Sam," she said gesturing to Sam, "and this is Dean, my brothers. Now where should we sit?" "Anywhere you'd like." Ari walked up to a table where people were sitting and asked, "Excuse me, may I sit here?" Luke pulled her away and apologized to the customers. "I forgot that you used to do that. Pick a table where nobody is sitting at." "Okay." She said and sat down next to Kirk. "Hiya nobody." Luke pulled her away again. "Just sit there." He said and pointed her to an empty table. "I forgot that you used to bother me all the damn time." Luke said sighing while Ari laughed.

"You guys can order anything you'd like. And I really mean anything. Luke will probably go to the edge of the earth to get something that customers want." Ari said and awaited Lorelei to come. Luke came and took everybody's order. "I'll have a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a side of steamed vegetables with a water, please." Sam ordered. "I'll have the bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon and no lettuce, tomato, onions, ketchup, or mayonnaise, and a side of fries with a coke." Dean ordered and Luke made a face at the unhealthiness. "I will have the pigs in a blanket, fries with extra salt, no pepper, a coffee and a water." "We don't serve pigs in a blanket." Luke said. "But Doose's is right there. I can go buy the ingredients." "No no I'll do it. But just this once." Luke said and walked over to Doose's. the town market. "I told you. He really would get anything for his customers." Ceaser, the cook, brought Sam and Dean's food and served them.

Dean took a bite of his sand which. "Holy shit. This is delicious." He said with his mouth full of food. "This is quite possibly the best chicken noodle i have ever had." Sam said sipping on his soup. "Lore! You made it." Ari said standing up to hug Lorelei. "Where's Luke?" She asked. "Down at Doose's. He is going to make me pigs in a blanket." "He always did love you enough to make you whatever you wanted." Lorelei said smiling. "Ah Luke! You're back! I need a ceaser salad, minus the ceaser and the lettuce, shrimp and grits minus the shrimp and the grits, I would also like a-" "I'll get you your usual with coffee if you shut up." Luke said and placing the bag of ingredients on the counter. "Thanks Luke."

"So tell me about this case of yours. What's going on in Star's Hallow that will quite possible give everybody nightmares." Lorelei asked. "Classic case of werewolves. Could be the one's that dad fought last time, or a coincidence." Dean said munching on fries. "Oh, my boy, there are no coincidences." Lorelei said sipping on her coffee that Luke had just poured. "So get this, there are animal deaths around farms in Hartfard ,which is the town thirty minutes away, there was also one or two people with their hearts ripped out from a couple months ago. Odds are this isn't a coincidence." Sam said, his intelligent Stanford side of him showing. "Hey Luke? Hows the pigs? I am starving." Ari said to Luke who was in the back making them. "Right along with extra fries, and a doughnut on the house. And here you are Lorelei. A cheeseburger, hold anything that could possibly be healthy." Luke said placing the meals around the table.

"So I have found an interesting thing about me." "Hmm? What's that?" Ari said, cocking her head to her side out of curiosity. "I might be a little gay..." "Finally you admit it! I have seen the way you stare at girls butt and chest. It's the first thing you look for before looking at her eyes." "It was really that obvious?" "Hun, a blind man could see it." Ari said. The boys were taking to themselves about the werewolfs. "Well, here's the thing, I um, might possibly be a little gay for Sookie." Lorelei said nervously. "What about her and Jackson? Did they break up?" "Yes." "Well! Tell her how you feel. If worst comes to worst, than Sookie is straighter than a line. While you my friend are a semi-circle." Ari said. "Wait, what about Luke?" Ari asked. "What about him?" "Luke is so totally into you! How can you not see that?" "Well Luke is great, but Sookie is my biggest worry here." "Okay. Well I have to go. Tell Rory that i am here. Spread the word around town that I am back and I am taking presents at the inn." Ari grabbed her jacket and opened the diner door. "Bye Lukie! Thanks for the great food." Ari said and walked out. "Anytime! Please come back." Luke said and continued to wipe the counters down.


Yay they are in Star's Hallow! This whole chapter is based off of the legendary t.v show, Gilmore Girls. I love the show.

Thank you Aya for giving me the suggestion that Lorelei should be a lesbian.

Get better soon Ari.

I'm wearing a dress tomorrow for school. I'm so fancy.

Not much action going on in this chap, kind of a filler.

|Don't stop being an ass to people|


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