Chapter 4: The Weakness

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•Your P.O.V.

I woke up tangled with somebody. My waste was covered by a strong grip of arms. One of my legs was below someone else's and my other leg was on top of that strange leg.

My head was peacefully lying on someone's chest and my hand next to my head. I slightly raised my head to see Mitch's growing beard, and his perfectly positioned lips.

"You know I can feel you staring?" Mitch finally spoke with his husky, morning voice. "I'm not staring, you dick. I'm trying to find a way to release myself, but I guess you won't let go." "Don't get too attached to me, love, and you won't have a problem." He started getting on my nerves with his comments. "Come on, it's time for some training."

I got up and ready for some punching sessions when I realized he was still in the bed. He wouldn't listen so I got a bowl of cold water and splashed him with it.

He immediately stood up. "What the fuck?" "Get up, princess! We don't have time!" My voice was formal, like in military. He stood in front of me, saluted me which made me laugh so hard.

Not long after that he picked me up, over his shoulder and threw me on the bed. He started tickling me and I couldn't breathe literally. I couldn't say a word. Then I rolled him over with my wrestling skills. "What happened to you?" I asked him when I realized this sudden change of mood. "I don't know... Sorry..." He got up and stood in front of the window.

"Hey, it's okay. We are allowed to have some fun." You stood behind him. "No, Yn, we are not. Come on, it's time for some training.... Hey, how did you come up with that cold water stunt?" He asked me that, and my mood changed in a second, too. "I-I, um... I used that plenty of times...with Jared..." I looked down, remembering him and... I just broke down.

I couldn't process the fact that he's still gone and I won't ever see him again. When I woke up in Mitch's arms, that's how I used to wake up in Jared's. My tear slipped away.

•Mitch's P.O.V.

Why did I ask her that? God, I'm so stupid.

"I'm sorry, Yn... I didn't mean to-" "It's okay, Mitch, really, I just need to let it out." "Punch me." I suggested her to punch me. I deserved it and it was the good idea, but she couldn't.

"What?" "Punch me, come on." "Mitch-" "Just do it, I'm serious." I wasn't giving up. "Mitch, I'm not gonna do that..." "Yn, really-" "Just let it go!" She bursted in tears and pushed my chest, and I had to hug her. She was beginning to heal and I broke her, again. Why did I do that? "I'm sorry." She said while her face was buried in my chest. "Why, Yn? Come on, you can't be weak now. Now you have to be the strongest. We both have to. For them." "If it makes me weak, then fine, I'm weak. But I can't handle feeling like this anymore!" She said when she furthered away from me.

 But I can't handle feeling like this anymore!" She said when she furthered away from me

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"Yn, I know...I fucking know... We are cursed somehow but we have to see the light at the end of this ugly ass tunnel. And that light is payback... So we gotta focus... We both lost are not alone in this." I tried to give her some comfort, that's all I had.

" I tried to give her some comfort, that's all I had

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When I look at her, I only remember what I've lost. We are both damaged, and even if we are together, we are not able to fix each other. I don't know if our strategy will go as planned, but one thing I do know... Is that I can't let her go. I can't let her alone.

I never thought some stranger can do something like this to me. She got under my skin way too soon. Whatever happens, I promised myself that I will never let anyone completely in, like I did Katrina.

"Like you said. There's no time for being a weak ass son of a bitch, so let's get going." She immediately wiped away her tears and her face became so straight, no expressions, no emotions.

"Yn, if you need tim-" "No, Mitch. No. We don't have time. Where are my knives?" And with that we had the longest training ever. We did some push ups, running, punching, we literally played darts with knives.

Our asses were tired, but it was worth it. Everything we do, is worth it. It's all for Katrina and Jared. All of it.

When we finished our training, we took a shower and hit the bed. We fell asleep immediately, but before that we had exchanged some words.

"You were right. I was weak and weakness shouldn't be shown to our enemies. It won't happen again. I promise." She had begun. "Yn, you don't have to promise me anything. We both have suffered and I shouldn't be that harsh on you. I just need you to promise me one thing. Don't give up." "I'll die fighting."

American Assassin | CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora