10; What did you get for 8?

Start from the beginning

"Alright class, just continue with the bookwork from yesterday" the teacher says before taking a seat at her desk. 

Kara grabs out her book and pencil. Putting her headphones in and starting her music, focusing on her work. 

"Kara, what did you get for 8?" Cat asks

Kara looks up from her workbook at Cat before looking back down and flipping a couple pages back to question 8. 

"uhh 25.4cm" she replies. 

Cat looks down at her answer and looks back up with a confused face. 

"I got 7"

Kara laughs and peers over at Cat's workbook. 

"You didn't change the sign when you moved the 14 to the other side" 

"Oh, thanks"

Kara looks back down to her work and flips back to the page she was working on. A little while later Cat speaks again. 

"What did you get for 11?"

"uhh--" Kara says moving her hand to flip back before she is stopped by Cat. 

"Wait never mind, I got it"

"aha ok"

The bell rings, the girls grab their books and head to their next class. 

"Kar! Wait up" Ruel runs up to her along with the rest of the gang. 

"What a great way to end the last day of school huh? Art my favourite" Kara says as she opens the door into the art room and takes her at the back table with the rest of her friends. 

"Yeah for you, we are not even a term in and the teacher already hates me" Madi says lowering her voice as the teacher enters. 

"Oh I wonder why!" Ivy whispers sarcastically to the group making sure that Madi doesn't hear. 

They all chuckle earning a look from Madi and immediately stop. 

"So I hope everyone remembers everything from the demonstration yesterday?" the teacher speaks up. 

The class nods

"Good, carry on with what we started yesterday" She says before taking a seat at her desk. 

Everyone grabs out their stuff and begins their work. 

"Kara? A word please" The teacher says. 

Kara stops painting and walks over to the teachers desk. The art teacher was Kara's favourite teacher ever since the first day of school they've had a special connection. 

"Now I know this is the last day for you and you won't be here for the rest of the year" Kara nods and the teacher continues "Well I can say this for all the teachers and students that we will miss you a--"

The teacher is interrupted by the class agreeing. 



"We will miss you Kara"

"Thanks, guys" Kara replies. 

"As I was saying, we are really proud of you. Now I hope that you've got all your schoolwork sorted?"

"Yeah" Kara grabs a seat and continues "I'll be doing online school while I'm away"

"So how long will you be away for?"

"The rest of the year" by now the whole class was listening in on their conversation. "I'll be back for Year 8, the whole Year 8. Although during the term breaks I might be away. I'm not really sure how Year 9 is going to go but we'll have to see"

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