"What's going on?" Grandmama Addams steps towards me with her big, old lady smile.

"Hello!!" I nervously smile,

"Hi Grandmama Addams.." I look to Morticia for help, and she seems to give a small chuckle.

"Grandmama don't ruin the surprise!" I give Morticia my best, 'WTF' look. Grandmama Addams just smiles, trying to act innocent. Wednesday and Pugsly walk up to me and Morticia.

"Mother. Can we start." Wednesday looks at Morticia, and Morticia looks to me.

"Are you ready?" I shrug, and nod.

"Sure. What are we doing.." Pugsly looks to Wednesday, and they both smile, and then both look to me.

"We're playing a game." Pugsly announces, I give him a weary look,

"And what game is it...?" Wednesday gives me a creepy smirk,

"It's called 'raise the dead'." I feel my face contort in confusion.

"How do we play?" Both kids smile, and grab a shovel each, Grandmama hands me one, then goes back to taking care of Pubert. I take the shovel, then follow the kids as they begin running off into the graveyard yelling names, of deceased family I suppose. I slow as the kids dissapear, taking in the moonlight, and the tall, intricate grave markers. I stop at one that has a vulture on the top, hunched over, and stone cold.

"Looks like you fit in here.." I stop, and kneel by the marker, putting my hand to the grave, as I lay my shovel on the ground.

"I hope your death was painless.." I feel a cold chill go up my spine, and I feel someone looking at me. I stand up, looking around, and come face to face with Fester. I  take a step backwards, and trip over my shovel. I fall backwards, and hit my head on the Vulture's gravestone base, with a harsh cry. I rub my hand over the back of my head, as I start prop my self up on my elbows,

"Ow..." I hear Fester start to freak out, and I look up to see him, cheeks bright red, and eyes on me, but not my face. I follow his line of sight to realize that my legs are open, showing my bright white underwear to him. I stare wide eyed, then quickly stand up, pushing my skirt down. I put my hands in front of me, awkwardly looking down at them, I apologize to Fester.

"I-I'm s-s-so sorry, I ju-just fell.." I dust off my butt quickly, and grab the trouble making shovel, making my get-away. I follow the sound of laughter emmiting from Wednesday and Pusly, and they seem to have gotten a casket open, and are talking to what I'm guessing is their aunt. I'm about to say some joke, when Morticia walks around a gravemarker.

"Children, put Grenda to rest, we need to finish." I look at her, and she smiles.

"Oh, Y/n! We'll be needing you too, would you mind helping them re-burying Great aunt Grenda.?" I nod, as I help the children out of the hole,

"Of course, Morticia." She smiles, and makes her way to what I think is the gazebo, as the kids and I start filling in the hole.

We fill in the hole, and make our way back to the gazebo, Wednesday and Pugsly telling me stories their parents have told them about dead family members we're passing.


The kids slow down, and Wednesday hands me something. I look down at the cloth, then back to the kids,

"What's this for..?" Pugsly just smiles,

"To wear." I start to respond, but Wednesday interrupts me with a single,

"NOW." I put on the blindfold, no retort.

Each kid grabs my hand, and starts to guide me. After a minute or so I hear Pugsly say,

"Two steps, right in front of you." I cautiously move my foot, and it lands on the step. I move my other foot, onto the second, finally I stand still on the gazebo platform, I think. It's suspenseful, no noise, no hands holding mine anymore, but I pick up someone breathing hard. I put my hands in front of my chest clasped.

"H-hello..." I feel someone stand behind me, a little too close as I can feel the chest. 'I think it's a guy, no boobs..' I feel the person come really close, as I feel their breath on my ear, and I stop myself from giving a sigh.

"Oh. Les choses que je veux te faire..."[Oh. The things I want to do to you...] I feel his fingers lightly brush the back of my neck, then the knot I tied. The cloth comes loose, and I see most of the Addams' standing before me. I turn and see Gomez, and a delicious-looking cake.

"Whoa.." I walk over and take the cake in,

"This looks so good!" I feel Gomez stand beside me,

"tu as l'air tout aussi délicieux."[you look just as delicious.] I blush, and stand up, looking to Gomez, then turn around to look at the family as they walk over.

"Why are you guys doing this..?" Pusgly smiles, and looks at Morticia who says,

"Y/n, Will you become an Addams?" I smile, and feel myself tearing up. I nod, no hesitation. Morticia holds out her arms, and I hug her, I feel everyone gather around, then I see Lurch make his way over, and hug us all, lifting us all up slightly. I giggle as we're put back down, and Lurch, Gandmama, with Pubert, Wednesday, Pugsly, and Fester make their way to the cake.

"Thank you.." I back up from Morticia, and accidentally bump into Gomez, whose right behind me. I stop when I feel his hands on my waist, and try to turn my head. Morticia's smile catches my interest, and I look at her, questioningly, as Gomez let's go of me. I'm about to ask Gomez and Morticia what they were up to, as Pugsly pulls my hand, and brings me over to the cake.

After the cake eating, we spent the rest of the night, playing 'games' like "Is there a god" and a few more rounds of "Wake the dead". I ended up, dirt and mud clinging to my dress and shoes, happy that I had found somewhere that I fit in.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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