Chapter 25: "You make me do crazy things."

Start from the beginning

“Ellison, let me pay for the damn pizza,” he breathes out, annoyed.

I want to tell him no again but his voice keeps me from saying anything. He’s quiet but I can feel the tension in the way he speaks so I decide not to argue. The guy at the register looks at us nervously and I can’t blame him. Harry and I look like we’re about to rip each other’s heads off.

“Okay,” I whisper looking down from his eyes. “Thanks.”

We wait another ten minutes for our pizza to be made and when the excited guy at the register yells my name to let us know it’s done Harry walks over to grab it. We walk out of the restaurant and down the street to the park where the movie is being shown. The walk is quiet and slightly awkward, which is something I’m not used to with Harry. I have no idea what is going on his head and he won’t even talk so it’s impossible for me to try to figure it out. I’m afraid that if I say the wrong thing he’s going to explode.

The park is crowded and filled with families when we get there. There is music playing loudly and children running around, screaming as they wait for the movie to start. Harry and I find a spot in the grass toward the back of the space that is designated for movie watchers. I cross my legs in front of me while Harry spreads his out with the pizza box in between us.

“I’m sorry,” I blurt it out before I can think any more about it. “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”

There have been very few times in my life where I’ve apologized. This isn’t because I’m a remorseless person. I have a heart and a brain so I know that I’m not always right. It’s just I haven’t felt there have been many times where I’m truly in the wrong. Sure, I may handle certain situations incorrectly, but I won’t apologize if I think my original reasoning is just.

I was wrong to yell at Harry, or to force him into coming to Andrew’s with me, so I will apologize because of this. Harry appears to be about as surprised as I feel that I’m admitting my fault in this as he turns his head to look at me.

“I’m sorry for forcing you to come with me,” I continue. “But seriously, Harry? Punching him? Is it not possible to talk it out like civilized people?”

He laughs. I’m not sure what to do at first because I haven’t seen him smile since we stepped foot onto Andrew’s apartment steps so I just watch him, confused.

“You are awful at apologies,” he continues to smile. It automatically makes me feel better seeing him like this. Angry Harry is not my favorite Harry.

“I’m trying, okay?” I put my hands up. I don’t have much practice at this.

“I know,” he smiles again. “It’s okay. Apology accepted.”

“Phew,” I let it out loudly, relieved that the tension between us has been lifted. “I was beginning to think you would be mad at me forever,” I smile, joking.

“No,” he opens the box of pizza, speaking quietly. “That would be impossible.”

We’re interrupted by the loud noise of the movie starting. My attention briefly flashes to the large screen in front of us that’s playing the intro to a movie I don’t recognize. I’ve never felt any desire to go to one of these events but it’s the least I can do for the hell I’ve put Harry through this evening. I turn my head away from the screen and reach into the box between us, grabbing a slice of cheesy pizza.

Instead of watching the movie as it begins to play I watch Harry. His face has a bluish tint to it from the bright screen and he eagerly eats the pizza in his hand. I can’t help but think about what Jacob must have said to him. Harry isn’t the type of person I would expect to resort to something like punching someone in the jaw. In exception to the last hour, when he has been angry with me he’s been all about communication and talking it through. What was different about Jacob?

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