Track 08

65 3 3

"Is Mahiru serious?!" Ryuusei groaned as he pocketed his phone. "He could've asked us for help or something if he needed it. Wonder what this 'errand' is all about." He drew quotation marks in the air as he spoke, then sighed.

"It's fine, it was probably sudden. Well, we can still go check out the store without him," The red-eyed individual behind him shrugged nonchalantly, seeming to be used to their missing friend's spontaneity. Mahiru kept things clean and in order, and he worked efficiently, although these impulsive decisions sometimes had gotten him in trouble. Today was a good example; he'd technically be skipping class. If he entered classes in the afternoon without a letter from his uncle, he'd surely get a record.

Well, it's not like the school was too strict on these rules, but students had to be students.

"Maybe we could just sit this one out and go back together when he's here?" Koyuki proposed, pulling on the fibers of his bag.
"Hm... you have a point but," the blonde threw his hands up. "No way I'm going to miss the opening! Mahiru can just go f—"

Sakuya couldn't help but look at the message again. It was a little too rushed. Well, maybe it was an emergency? But then again, there was a chipper tone to it, one you wouldn't exactly feel from someone who was facing crucial moments.

Whatever kind of lie Mahiru was weaving up this time, Sakuya sure as hell didn't like it.

Whatever kind of lie Mahiru was weaving up this time, Sakuya sure as hell didn't like it

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Whatever bulshit this kid was up to, Kuro wasn't liking it one bit. Despite the fact that he'd— against his initial intentions— spilled the news of his involvement with the splitting of his former band, Mahiru refused to budge. The brunette simply nodded, directed his gaze skyward as if thinking, then bobbed his head again, looking like he was coming to a conclusion of some sort. He crossed his arms, giving himself an air of solidity; he shall not be moved.

"Well, I guess you did what was needed, Kuro. Whatever you say isn't going to make me leave. I'm here for answers." he said, and Kuro could imagine the sparks of resolve in his eyes if this had been some sort of cartoon. He sighed, leaning on the wall, hands pocketed, his right foot tapping on the ground impatiently. He once made the mistake of interacting with Shirota Mahiru more than necessary; he wouldn't do it again. Better to withdraw while he still could, else he forget the inevitable and lose himself in the waves of trouble.

"What do you know? Up until that live show, you weren't even interested in our craft. Don't act so high and mighty just because you've learned your chords." he saw Mahiru visibly wince, although the latter didn't react violently.
"That's not... hey, you've been doing this before too. When you started responding less and less, you were— you spoke as if you were discouraging me or something. Or telling me— have you actually known you'd be disbanding before you did?"
"Yeah, you could say I'm an asshole. Now I told you to fuck off after inviting you. Solid proof I'm an asshole. I'm currently asking you to leave. You can connect the dots." he sighed, as if exhausted. "Ah, I'm too old for this entire conversation. I'm having highschool flashbacks."
"So this also happened before?"
"... That... That was sarcasm."

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