Getting to the Bottom of this Schist

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Veronica's POV

Well, that went down like a lead balloon. 

I can't just let this bitch get the best of me! I don't know what to do at this point. My friends will think I'm crazy, my parents will think I'm suicidal and I am not going through that again. Maybe Peggy will understand-NO I need professional help.


"Veronica hey! Long time, well considering you were my pen pal"

"Hey Evan, can I come in?" Evan Hansen has been my pen pal ever since his friend Conner Murphy died, well that's what everyone else thinks at least.

"Oh sure sure" I come in. I notice his door number is 7-9-15. Man, how big is this college? Inside it's full of nature and the color blue, why am I not surprised?

"Are your roommates here?"

"You mean Jared? Naw, he's 'studying'" Evan put that in hand quotes. I chuckled. Based on what Evan told me, Jared loved 'studying'.

"And the other two?" I said looking around for any sign that they would be here.

"Jeremy and Micheal have acting at the moment. Veronica, when you actually planed on moving here were you ever going to see me?"

"You know me, work and all that jazz. Have you fallen off any trees yet?"

"Not in two weeks. But girl, what brings you here? Somethings wrong, isn't it?" Is my glum look that obvious? Well time to spill the beans.

"It's about Heather."

"Heather Chandler right?" Thank you! How hard is it to know which Heather I'm talking about! And don't you dare try to comment about this you evil skanks!

Jeez! You kiss your mom with that mouth?!

Uhh, you're not the author.

Well, what do you expect from her when you keep on breaking this fourth wall?

So who are you?

I'm Supreme Commander of the  Argo ||, Bad Boy Supreme, Super Sized McShizzle-

You're real name short stack.

Alright sweetheart. It's Leo Valdez. Official repairer of the fourth wall. You know the author had to pull me out of a story with just Calypso and I so don't go on messing with this wall again.


Schist, I think you mean.

"Veronica? You good?" 

"Huh?" Oh wait, I shake my head a couple of times. Now I'm good.

"Yeah, yeah. Look, I think Heather Chandler is haunting me. And J.D as well." Evan looks at me for a few seconds.

"Why don't we sit down? And tell me everything. We're going to get to the bottom of this schist"

What is up with people and schist?


Alexander's POV

We all hung out in the court yard, waiting for Veronica to come. And it's been at least an hour.

"I'm telling you Mon Ami, she is not coming"

"Laf, stop being such a pessimistic" Angelica said. Just as I was about to say something Burr came running to us. And that's when I realized how slow he was. This guy can't run to save his life.

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