It hurts so much!
I couldn't move. I couldn't sleep. I almost couldn't even breathe. And all that because of the huge gash on my stomach. Everytime I would try to move, the cut would open and I would start bleeding again. I'm actually kind of surprised that I was still conscious considering the amount of blood I've already lost. I wanted to cry so much. I wanted to scream, but it wouldn't let me. I hated it. I hated the pain. I hated myself for getting into this situation. But mostly, I hated Vic.
He left me in the basement for the whole night, or maybe day. I wasn't even sure what part of day was it, there were no windows down there. The windows weren't my biggest problem, though. No, it was the fact that I had no freaking idea how to get out of the house.
Earlier that day, I tried to think of a plan. I tried to reach for the knives that were next to the bed so I could maybe somehow destroy the cuffs. I know that it's highly implausible, but hey, I was getting pretty desperate. Anyway, that didn't work out. They were so close, yet so far and in my state, it was even harder to get to them.
That brings me to the second plan, which I'm currently trying to think of. I could try to scream for help, but Vic would most likely come down here and shut me up. I don't even wanna know how. And regarding Vic's murderous methods, I wouldn't like it either.
Speaking of Vic, he came down here earlier and brought me food. He tried to get some of the food into me, but I wouldn't even glance at him. He made me sick. He looked pretty pissed off, but hasn't said anything to me as he left, taking the food with him. Not that I could eat it myself since both my arms are chained to the metal bars anyway. Besides, I wasn't hungry. That was couple hours ago, though, right now, I was freaking starving. I would sell my soul just so I could consume anything else but my own saliva.
Apropos, the basement door flew open and in walked no one else but Vic himself.
"I gotta food." He said in sing-song voice. I thought about Vic's behaviour a lot. I mean, besides the fact that he's a serial killer, he's kind of normal and cute. Oh my god, never have I thought that I would call a killer that.
He came closer, turned on the light and sat on the bed next to me. I looked at the food and it was different to the one he brought earlier today. This time he got me spaghetti and water.
"Open your mouth." He dragged out the 'mouth' word, like I was a baby. It was actually kinda adorab-No! He's a fucking killer. He hurt me and I can't call him adorable. There's nothing adorable about him!
I ignored him and looked to the opposite side. I didn't know how much longer I would stand the amazing smell of the food. My tummy, of course, decided to make rumbling sounds, letting both of us know that I was hungry as hell. I heard Vic sigh before he spoke up...
"Kellin, you have to eat something. You haven't eaten anything for two days." He told me. I just rolled my eyes, thanking God, Vic couldn't see me.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." He snapped. I obeyed, sending him a death glare. "Open." He said and I did just that, opening my mouth as he fed me with the delicious meal. I didn't tell him that. In fact, I didn't say anything the whole time. Partly also because it hurt me physically to consume anything, which only reminded me of what he's done to me the day before.
"How was it?" He smiled sweetly at me as I finished eating. I kept my mouth shut, though, and looked away from him. I wasn't gonna talk to him. I was still angry at him.
"You're not gonna talk to me today?" He asked with a chuckle. I ignored him, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"Fucking talk!" He yelled out of nowhere. It kind of scared me. Not as much as what came after, though. Without hesitation he stood up and threw the empty plate at the opposite wall. I gasped in shock and jerked up, opening the cut on my stomach again.
"If you're not gonna talk to me, I can always make you scream." He told me a bit more calmly before he picked the dagger up from the table. No, please don't do this again, I thought. He did the complete opposite thing, though. He took the dagger and made yet another cut on my stomach. He was right, I did scream. It hurt more than the first one, I could tell. I let out a sob as the tears were running down my face.
I took a glance at Vic who was still standing at the bed, holding the bloody weapon. He had this look on his face. Was it maybe regret?
No, that's not possible. Why would he even regret this? He's a killer, he's used to this. To hurting people. It's his passion, it's his life, it's what he has chosen. He could have as well became a barber instead of killer for all I know. Although, I don't think that's the greatest idea either. I've seen the Sweeney Todd movie enough times to know that Vic would probably take advantage of the razors and employ them to bad use as well.
I knew I was about to break down at that moment. My breathing got heavier and the tears fell faster. I needed Vic out of the room, immediately.
"Get out." I choked out. He looked at me confusedly. "Now." I said.
He seemed like he wanted to say something, but it never came. He just nodded, walking out of the door and closing it behind him. Just as I heard the door make the clicking noise, I let it out. I cried, I screamed and I swore. I wasn't even angry at Vic anymore. I was angry at myself, it was all my own fault. I got myself into this shit. I'm so fucking stupid.
My stomach hurt so much but I couldn't help the crying, the tears kept on falling and I kept on sobbing. It was like this for tens of minutes. I just wouldn't stop. But the worst was that I wasn't quite done yet.
Just then I heard that all too familiar sound of doors opening. I looked over at Vic who was mumbling something to himself. He also had something in his hands. As he got closer I noticed that it was a bandage, some kind of liquid and a creme.
I didn't even have time to think as I watched him get on the bed and straddle me. My first instinct was to push him off of me, but I, like, couldn't.
"It's gonna hurt a bit." He said as he poured the liquid on my wounds. I cried out. It fucking burnt like bitch, but it soon faded. He then wiped the remains, of what I think was a alcohol, with a paper wipe which I haven't noticed earlier. When he was done with that, he smeared the creme on the cuts and around them. Taking the bandage, he told me to carefully lift up my body so he could wrap the bandage around me. I did as I was told, still not believing that he's actually doing this. He secured the bandage, placing a hand on each one of my hips, running his thumbs over the bandage. It looked like he was evaluating his job, but I found it, I don't know, kind of comforting.
Suddenly, it was like he was brought back to reality and he got off of me, standing up. He awkwardly gathered up his things and began walking towards the door. He turned off the light and just before the stairs I could see his silhouette turn around.
"I only did it because I couldn't fall asleep. You were too noisy." He assured me. I was still in shock so all I did was make a little 'uh huh' noise.
"Right." He said and walked up the stairs. "Night." He said.
"Night." I said back. I saw him smile a little, probably because I've finally answered him, and then he left me there, completely stunned.
What the fuck just happened?

Daggers Speak Louder Than Words (Kellic)
FanfictionTo Kellin, Vic seems like a normal guy, living a normal life. That opinion, however, changes the second Kellin sees Vic killing a person.