Chapter Fifty: Saturday Sun

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Are you okay?" Ace whispers.

I nod, "I'm good."

"Oscar you have visitors." Detective Lana says.

Oscar looks up at Ace and I. He stands up from the bench and comes running over to us. I want to jump away, but I hold my ground knowing that he can't touch us through the bars of the cell.

"I'm so glad your okay, you have to tell them what happened, you need to get me out of here." Oscar's eyes are desperate, almost as if he doesn't remember anything that he did.

"Oscar you strangled me, your tried to kill Adrian. You killed Kian and you want me to help you get out? "

"We're friends that's what we do."

I shake my head, it's as if the whole time at the bridge he was blinded by rage, "You strangled me."

"I never meant to."

"So then you never meant to kill Kian?" I ask.

"I did that for you, for your safety he hurt you. He took you away from me."

I look over to Ace who is glaring over to Oscar. I look down at the ground before looking back over to him.

"Kian should have gone to jail for what he did, not died."

"Your a monster." Ace says.

Oscar snaps his head towards Ace, "He was a monster! He would have hurt someone else if I hadn't done something. He would have found Maggie again and hurt her."

"Why is this all about me!?" I yell taking a step closer to the cell.

"You were my only friend, you were the only person who was nice to me. He drove you away."

"You made friends with Adrian, Oscar! He was your friend and you tried to kill him too," I shake my head, "Kian was a monster, but you are more of a monster than he ever could have been."

I turn to Ace, "Let's go."

I grab Ace's hand and pull her down the hallway.

I stop walking and turn to Ace once we reach the front doors, "He's crazy, he's crazy."

Ace nods.

"How did we not see it sooner?" I ask.

"It's like, only some things trigger it." Ace says.

"Ace? Maggie?"

Ace and I both turn to see Conner standing to the left of us. All of us pull each other into a hug.

This feels safe, normal, good. All three of us haven't been alone together since grade nine. I haven't felt this at ease in a long time.

"What are you doing here?" Ace asks as we pull out of the hug.

"I got let out, they didn't explain to me why. What are you guys doing here?" Conner asks.

"Oscar, he killed Kian and then framed you for the murder." I say.


"You've missed a lot," Ace says, "Also I'm sorry I thought it was you."

"It's fine, don't be sorry. I understand." Conner says.

"We're going to the Café to meet up with Adrian and Jade... do you want to come?" I ask really hoping that he'll come.

"Yes," Conner nods with a smile, "I really need non-scary human connection. Jail is a place I never want to go again."

Ace and I laugh, "Can we just go, I've had enough of this police station." Conner says.

"Okay." I nod.

Sweet Little LiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon