Chapter 14 A Request(Lemon)

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A/N: So here it is finally, the start to the beginning of a series of Lemons with some story added in. Of course If you under 18 (witch I doubt this will stop you) then don't read this Chapter, it honestly took me way too long to get here as I wanted to have a series that I like working on and like to continue working on, but enough of me rambling let's get this started. Without a further adieu let the lemon's begin.

You wake up to see Rose sleeping on your shoulder and still naked, but you feel more comfortable with it now as you knew this is gonna start happening a lot with the girls seeing as they too will most likely want to "have a turn" per say. Rose begins to wake up.

(Y/N): Morning sleepy head...

She giggled at that remark.

Rose: Well you are comfortable~

Roses was still in heat, but she's a lot more comfortable with being open with you as she did talk to him completely naked like it wasn't an issue. She had something on her mind as she had big blush on her face and you knew why.

(Y/N): What's on your mind?

You ask to Rose's surprise, all though it was obvious what her intentions were.

Rose: This might be a weird question...

You listen to her as all you were doing was waiting for her to ask about you helping out with her heat, but you didn't want to rush her as you were gonna help her anyway... And probably Midnight as well, or any of the girls really if they wanted it.

Rose: When's the last time you had... Sex?

Ah now that's a good question, last time you had sex is before you had to go on patrol during the Galactic War with Rose(Zoyka) and you had considerable experience with that as Rose(Zoyka) often had sex with you, but it has been a really long time since you had done that.

(Y/N): I'm thinking five or three years ago, but it's like riding a bike you never forget how to do it.

You answered and she seemed a little relieved as she hadn't had sex before, she heard from her mother that a female's first time was a little painful, but the pain could be over and done with if you used a "toy", however her Race was different from her mother's as they didn't have what they call hymens as when she... "tried" she didn't feel any pain, but that didn't mean she wasn't still a little scared about her first time.

A/N: Looks like your popping a couple of Cherry's~

You could tell she was a little hesitant, but her heat needed to be sated before she tries to force you and she thought it was better to do it on her own terms instead of losing control and doing something she would regret, she's blushing madly right now as the butterfly's in her stomach reached a fever pitch.

Rose: Um... Can you... You know... Help me out with my heat?

She really embarrassed, but you already new that this would happen and think to yourself "This is too adorable ".

(Y/N): Yes, I'll help you.

You said with a smile and she looked overjoyed.

Rose: Thank you!

She said with glee, but is unsure where to start.

Rose: So... where do we start?

She asking in an unknowingly cute tone.

(Y/N): I'll Show You~

You said in a flirtatious tone and stand up and start to take off your clothes slowly. Rose looked at your body and can't help but to think how sexy it looked and even the scars made you look irresistible, needless to say that she was enjoying the show as she has a massive blush and she's definitely getting wet. Your now only in your underwear and you could hear Rose breathing as she stares at your crotch.

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