My Friend Mary Jane 🌬💨

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I went to a party,
Talked to some other girls.
I told them I was sad because the cruelty of the world,
They gave me a cup.
Said it would drown all my sorrow.
But little did I know,
I'd feel horrible tomorrow.

I guess I'm an emotional drinker,
Because I shared all my feelings.
They made me feel safe,
Finally somebody believed me.
So I told them everything.
Like my whole life story.

They hugged me,
Apologized cuz for my troubles they were sorry.

One of the girls said "hey, there's a solution, meet my friend Mary Jane, she can get you through it."

They passed me the rolled up drug, with an evil smile.

They said "this will make you just forget for a while"

I took a quick puff, I thought I only took one, but I smoked the whole thing, before the night was done.

I don't remember anything, except the feeling that I felt,

After that first puff, I would never be myself.

There's this thing, I'm sure it's called addiction,

I kept buying the drug, spent my whole college tuition.

But trust me, Drugs don't fix it, it only makes you forget.

But once you run out of money, you remember all again.

Everything is in this weird font and I don't know how to fix it 😢

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