Reconnect : The Story Begins

Start from the beginning

Both of them are surprised. Shun is surprised because she finally meet Hijikata again after many years, and Hijikata is surprised about the sudden gap between them. The next thing they know, both of their faces has turned bit red.

" H-Hijikata-San! "
She pulled herself away from the man, almost in teary eyes.

" Err.. y-yeah... it's been a long time, Shun. "
He still doesn't know how to act with the current Shun, so it's unavoidable for him to stutter like that.

It's becoming even more awkward when the two of them now stand across each other with not much height difference. In fact, the way Shun wear her hairstyle, make her slightly a bit taller than him, even though it's just because of the hair.

" Y-you've grown really well, I didn't notice it was you when we first bumped actually, haha. "
He awkwardly laughed it off.

" Y-Yes... Umm you too... Eh?! I-I mean, you've changed as well... like.. euh... your hair... is longer... I suppose... "
Shun haven't recovered yet from all the surprises of meeting Hijikata so suddenly and that face-to-face blushing a moment ago.

But, probably because how Shun is reacting that way, that Hijikata is reminded of how their first meeting was something messy like this as well.

" Pfft, ahahaha! Shun, I thought I wasn't recognizing you back there, but turned out you actually haven't changed that much, have you? "
He genuinely laughed while ruffling the woman's head—or actually just messing with her hair.

" Eh... what do you mean by that? "

" The only kid that can say something amazing so casually, yet stuttering with her words when it comes to me, of course it can only be you, Shun! "

" T-that's! Hijikata-San you were teasing me with that job applicant question, weren't you?! That's so mean! Even though I got accepted already by Kondou-San. "

" Kondou-San is Kondou-san. I'm different you know, but if Kondou-San trust you enough to let you join us as the physician in here, then I guess you're worthy enough to be trusted, eh. "
Hijikata stopped with his pat and crossed his hands under his sleeves.

The two of them then begin to talk as the vice-commander lead her back to the room.

" I told you before, didn't I? That I'll certainly join you. "
Sneered Shun.

" Yes you did. I trust you'll come to join us one day, though I never expect it to be as physician. "

" ... Are you disappointed? "
Asked Shun feeling a little bit down.

Seeing the all grown up kid still can make a childish expression like that make Hijikata actually sighed in a little bit of a relieved manner.

" Nah, I'm glad you're here to reconnect our will of fighting. "
He said with a reassuring smile.


Full house, is probably the most correct term for the situation Shun is in right now. Both figuratively and literally speaking.

" This is just how when the heroine, Chizuru, was caught up in the beginning of the story and where all the characters introduction begin. "
Shun thought, using the useful memory she has about this particular flow of story. Shun is well aware that the story might change due to her interference, so she will keep in mind to herself not to always rely on the game memory.

" Everyone, please meet Shun Tanzaki. She will stay here with us as a physician. "
Kondou-San open the introduction briefly before Shun continue it herself.

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