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"So lemme get this straight." Tae leaned back in the seat"you have feelings for me? And I'm a stud? But you still don't like studs?"

"Yeah that" Tae looked at her

"Nig-- Ronnie..." Roo laughed a little

"What?" Tae sighed

"Damn...you really like me" Roo looked Tae in the eyes

"Do you like me back?" Tae looked down and blushed

"Yeah.." Roo smiled widely

"So what you tryna do?" Tae looked up at her

"As in?"

"You tryna be my lil girlfriend or whateva?"Tae laughed

"Ion know, you kinda irritatin" Roo kissed her teeth and turned her head away from Tae.

"You hella irritatin right now" Tae chuckled

"yes I'll be your girlfriend, crybaby ass" Roo smiled widely

"Ugh, you play too much"

Roo started the car and for the first time...music. Tae connected to the aux, she hit shuffle and Roo's fucking song started playing, so of course she sang along as she drove.

"Let me catch a vibe, let's just take our time just relax your mind and take it easy~" Tae busted out laughing cause Roo was going in on this song so she sang with her

"Don't have to decide, you do, I do, I dont have to be mine, let's take it easy" They both laughed and continued singing on the way to Roo's.

Roo's house


We walked into the door laughing and saw my mom, smiling at us.

"Hey mama" she nodded at me and turned her head to Tae

"And who is this? Are you dating? Oooo my baby got herself a girlfriend--"

"Mama!" Tae giggled

"Hi Ms. Martinez, I'm Tae" my mom shook her hand and her smile got wider

"Oh you're so formal, it's nice to meet you Tae" I rolled my eyes, my mom was so fucking embarrassing

"We're gonna go" Tae looked at me

I took her wrist and led her upstairs as she waved to my mom. I pulled her into my room and shut the door.

"What you tryna do" Tae sat on my bed

"We can just chill"

We both took our showers and I layed on my bed as she looked for the remote. Chillin meant a couple of things when it came to Tae. We could be talking, watching Netflix, gossiping about shit on our phones or just enjoying eachothers company. She found the remote and layed between my legs, putting her head on my stomach as she looked up at me.

"What you tryna watch?" I played in her hair and shrugged

"I don't care" she nodded and looked back at the TV

She put on some random ass movie that we weren't even watching. We just started talking about all types of shit. We went into my life and her life and we had a lot in common when it came to interests. I don't remember when but at some point she turned and layed on stomach and now her chin was on my stomach. I kept playing in her hair, pushing it back so I could see her face

"Why you staring at me? I got a booger or sum?"  I looked into her eyes

"Nah, you just...beautiful" she turned red and smiled

"Thank you Ronnie" I smirked and she lifted my shirt up, stopping right under my sports bra.

"I didn't know you had a tat here"  I looked down as she traced the design with her finger

"Yeah my friend drew it for me and I got it tatted--"

She looked me in the eyes as she ran her tounge over the tattooa. I licked my lips and she sat up with her hands on my stomach. I puckered my lips, she leaned down and gave me a peck, I was definitely not satisfied with that. I sat up and pulled my shirt down, only for Tae to take it completely off; She wrapped her hand around my neck and started to kiss me, I smirked a little into the kiss.

I was looking foward to doing this all the time, her lips were so fucking soft and full. I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, she let go of my neck and her hand roamed my body. I moved my hands down to her ass and squeezed it,she moaned a little and moved her lips to my neck. She bit into my nape and sucked it, I groaned and tilted my head to give her more access. She pulled off of the purple spot and kissed it.

"My mama is gon kill me" Tae chuckled

"Well, now everyone can know you mine" I smiled and pecked her

"All yours baby"

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