-Chapter 4-

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                         -Lisa P.O.V-

I see.... Y/N brothers is beating Y/N except for Hoseok.... i saw that he try to stop the others from beating Y/N but he failed..... i was so shock and don't know what to do. But then i decided to knock on the door. They didn't hear me so i was banging the door and shout -
"Hey!! Open this fucking door now!!!" - i shout.

I was super mad and a few seconds later, her brother Jungkook open the door so i pushed him and run towards my best friend and help her stand up.
"Yah!!! You guys really don't have a heart!!! Why did you beat her!?!?" - i shout while giving them a dead glare.

"You don't know about our past so don't be such a busybody." - Yoongi said while giving me a cold stare.
"Me? Don't know about your past? Hello~~ i know everything okay?" - i said.
"What? You know about our past!?" - Jimin ask shocked.
"Yes! Your sister tell me everything! But she never tell me that you guys always beat her.... so thats why she's not going to school for a few days? Because you told her to stayed at home and clean the house!?" - i ask and my eyes started to tear up.

"How do you know about our past?" - Jin ask.
"Such a stupid question.... of course i know about your past because i was Y/N childhood friend. And now i want to take her so you can't beat her anymore...." i said while looking at Y/N who is so weak to speak.
"No! You will never take her from us!" - Taehyung shout.

"Why should she stay with a brothers who doesn't love her back!?" - i shout at them.
"If i heard that you guys beat Y/N again.... i will take her away...." - i said giving them a dead glare.
"Let's go Y/N." - i said to Y/N and brought her to her room.

"Y/N.... i know that i'm going too far but.... if your brothers beat you again... please tell me i beg you...." - i said with pleading eyes.
"Okay i promise." - she said while give me a small smile.
"Okay thank you so much...." - i said almost crying.
"Why did you cry? I'm the one who should-" - before she could finish, i quickly hug her and crying on her chest.

"I...i just can't see you s-suffering....because you are my b-best f-friend or i can s-say that you already like my s-sister....." - i said continued crying and soon she started crying too.
"You are the bestest friend that i could ask for.... i love you Lisa....." - she said crying.
"I love you too Y/N...." - i replied.

After that we calm down i say bye to her. I go to the door and look behind, she is already asleep and then i go downstairs. I see that her brothers is still at the living room so i just walk past them. They looked at me but i just ignore them and got out from the house. But then i feel someone drag me to the back of the house. When i see who it is, it was Hoseok.
"Lisa, please don't take Y/N from us....especially me....i love her Lisa. I really do love her and plus she is our sister.... please Lisa...." - he begging.

I sighs and say -
"I mean... i can't stand seeing her like this... she had enough..." - i said looking at him.
"I promise i'll not let the other hurt her again." - he said.
"Okay... if something happen, tell me okay?" - i ask.
"Okay." - he replied.
"By the way, i have to go now." - i said.
"Okay bye Lisa. Thank you for your care towards Y/N." - he said and give me his smile.

I smiled back and say -
"Your welcome Hoseok. Oh and one thing, Y/N is sleeping so don't let the others disturb her okay?" - i said.
"Okay." - he replied.
And then i go back home.

                     -Hoseok P.O.V-

Y/N must be so lucky to have a friend like Lisa. I got back in the house and sit beside Jimin. There was an awkward silence. After 2 hours, we decided to sleep. Me and Jimin is sleeping in the same room and when i was about to sleep, i heard Jimin say something that caught my attention. He say -
"Hyung.... i think i started to love Y/N..."
he said.
"What? Really?" - i said in a happy tone.
"Yeah. Tomorrow i want to say sorry to her." - he said while smiling.
"Okay then. By the way i want to sleep now. Goodnight chimchim." - i said and fell asleep.
"Goodnight hyung." - he said and then fell asleep too.

                ~The next morning~
                      -Jimin P.O.V-

Me and my brothers already woke up but Y/N is still asleep and maybe she is tired so thats why she didn't wake up yet. Then suddenly Yoongi hyung say -
"Aish... why did that bitch is still asleep?" - he said while rolling his eyes.
"Let me wake her up." - i said get up from a couch and go into her room.
When i get inside, she is just wearing a short pants and a t-shirt so its not covering her bruises.

When i looked at her legs, i realize how suffer she are.... her legs and arms is full of bruises and its all is from us.... then i shake her shoulder slowly.
"Y/N, wake up. Its already 11 am..." - i said to her softly.

                         -Y/N P.O.V-

When i was sleeping, i heard someone call my name and say -
"Y/N, wake up. Its already 11 am..."
I thought it was Hoseok but when i open my eyes, it was not Hoseok.... but it was Jimin. I was shock and quickly said -
"Oppa! I'm so sorry i promise i will wake up earlier! Please don't hurt me please!" - i beg.

"Shh... its okay... i'll not hurt you... i came here to say sorry for what i did... i was so sorry.... i was such an asshole brother who hurt his own sister...." - he said while looked down.
"Are you r-really s-sorry?" - i ask scared.
"Yes Y/N... i'm really sorry..." - he said and hug me tightly.

"Its okay oppa... i've forgiven you for a long time including the others. " - i said while smiling.
"Really? Thank you Y/N! I love youu" - he said happily.
"Hahaha your welcome." - i said.
"By the way, let's go downstairs." - he said.
"Okay." -  i replied.

When we get downstairs, our brothers is already waiting for us. And then Yoongi shout -
"Hey you slut! Who give you a permission to wake up this late!?!?" - he shouted at me.
And then, he was about to punch me but.....

                    <End of chapter 4>

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