48 hours

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I cannot believe it. I cannot believe I am actually going to work with L.

Even though I had been working for the FBI for a while now, I still did not understand why L- the world's greatest detective- expressed his desire towards the agency to work with me.
Of course, there were several agents who had worked under him before. Raye, Naomi... but they had been far more experienced than me, and their actions had been of vital importance to L. There was no blatant reason I could find for his urge to work with me.

The whole process of communication had been severely strange. The agency had been contacted by L's handler whose identity was kept secret as well- he himself then passed on L's message. No further information was given apart from instructions on the first night of investigation- not even the case.

For the first night, L had indirectly instructed me to search for a specific hotel and to bring a laptop given to me by Watari. Obviously, I also had to make sure no one would be following me. I would be in the hotel room on my own- on the other end of the line would be the great L.

Waiting for any message, my gaze shifted to the hotel window as I sat in front of the computer- even though all light had been turned off in the room, it was still lit by the cold light of the moon.

I was still very lost in thought when the laptop's audio suddenly started filling the room. Upon throwing a look on its screen, I could see the letter "L" appearing in a curved writing, leaping out in contrast to the white background.

"It's L", a dark voice on the other end suddenly said.

"~. It's my pleasure to be working for you, L", I replied enthusiastically.

"The pleasure is all mine. I am going to send you relevant files on the case now and comment on them."

Bling. Bling. Bling.

Some photos popped up on my screen.
It was photographs taken of presumably the criminals, considering the little information I had received so far. But wait- wasn't this-

"It is the trance case after all! Oh, this will get exciting...", I nearly hummed but then remembered L was on the line. "Oh, I'm so sorry!! I got a little too enthusiastic about this..."

"Do not apologise."

I paused for a moment to calculate.

"This case has been very briefly indicated in the news... or at least very small sections of it. Those criminals, it is those that were allegedly controlled by someone, just like puppets. Or at least that is what it seemed like so far. Problematic however is the fact that there is hard evidence their bodies were actually in a physical state of sleep when they committed the 'murders'. Therefore- what is definitely necessary is to test all pieces of evidence on accuracy- most importantly, to figure out how they were controlled otherwise."

"Mhm. You are very quick."

"Thank you, but I don't think that was-"

"...that is also of at advantage to me currently, because... the case needs to be solved in under 24 hours", L remarked rather casually.

"Excuse me?! 24 hours?"

"Indeed. The police so certainly believes those criminals to have consciously committed those murders, therefore they will be punished by death in one day. In order to prevent them, we have to give them proof in the case that those alleged criminals are actually innocent. I have never been in such time pressure before but I am afraid you will have to bear with me. Will you still help me solve this case?"

I smiled. Solving a case with someone I had admired since ages? There might be an unnerving lack of time, but... nothing could exceed that desire.

"Of course!"

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