Deja gives The phone to Nicki

Nicki - hey bighead

Diamond - the apple don't fall far from the tree

Nicki - hey my head is normal size thank you very much

Diamond - whatever u say mama

Nicki - girl what you want besides hurting my feelings

Diamond - I wanted to tell you that I hate this camp an you should fire all the mentors except tamar

Nicki - what's wrong now

Diamond - you're barbz  keep playing these pranks on everyone and if one more person pranks me ima have to break our promise

Nicki - me and your father have a show tonight. But maybe I can stop bye for a minute before I have to get ready

Diamond - thank you and take Auntie Bey with you

Nicki - why you being like that

Diamond - as you know me and blue share a room

Nicki - yes ( confused )

Diamond - so last night we were watching a scary movie and blue had wasted her mouantin dew she screamed and then Auntie Bey came in and then she just started going off and I realized y'all both really hate pee but anyway she was going off. And she just beat both us without even giving us Time to explain

Nicki- killing her self laughing.

Don't compare me to her she worse than me but why she get you

Diamond - she was like we wasn't supposed to be watching that movie and I was in blue bed so it could have been anybody's pee then she took off her belt and I was like you can't beat us she was like boo please I'm your Auntie I was like not here only the head barb (Nicki) can and she was like watch me and I think you know what happened after that

Nicki - still laughing

Yea you shut your mouth

Diamond - why u laughing at my pain see if I called grandma it wouldn't be so funny anymore

Nicki - you wouldn't

Diamond - ohh but I would I'm her favorite too she would be on the plane so quick

Nicki - so you blackmailing me now

Diamond - call it a promise

Nicki - OK well that works both ways you know them girls playing pranks on you have fun with that and I dare you to touch  them   and instead of letting you slide with the dettintions and that  bad barb refferals yea you can surve those and I'm gonna call Kay now to handle your refferal

Diamond - really ma come on don't be like that I was joking

Nicki - I'm not I can't treat you different I already let you get away with that fight but how about this Tamar can handle your detention

Diamond - I guess but can you atleast tell Auntie Bey to tell them to stop pranking

Nicki - tell grandma to

In a mocking annoying voice

Diamond - ma why u being childish

Nicki - cuz I can bye

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