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this is a PSA: I'm trash

I haven't updated in like a month and I've just never had the time and I've been swamped down on school and stuff and I've written a one shot or two but that's kinda different because I don't have to be cautious about the plot bc there isn't gonna be a part 2 or anything and my brain is way too scattered to write about the adventures of homo hemmo and c0ckslut clifford

The second chapter is sitting somewhere half finished on my laptop but I can't post it because OS X Yosemite decided to fuck up my internet connection so yeah

And I will do this story guys because I love the whole idea of it and I planned it out to be pretty damn good if I do say so myself and I think it would be better if I had good chapters every like 10 days as opposed to like weekly chapters that are rushed and shitty

I will try my hardest to do chapter 2 this weekend and chapter 3 whenever I can find time next

I'm sorry lol

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