"You want me to actually dagger you" she says slightly frightened.

"Klaus will leave nothing at chance, especially when it comes to trust"

Taking a slow breath Elena looks towards Damon, he has a frown on his face, slightly worried about the girl he loves.

silence fills the room and a sense of relief settles over Elena, this is it she thought, it will finally be over.

10 minutes later...

"ok, what was so bloody important" Rebekah freezes when she sees the sight in front of her, mind going blank, her body starts to shake in fear.

"Fa..father" she takes in deep breathe looking around to try to find away to escape, Mikael speeds towards her until he's standing right in front of her and places his cold hand on her shoulder, Rebekah flinches, and knows this it is, she's about to die and she hasn't even got to know her new friend yet, or even gone to homecoming.

"Do not fear daughter, I am not here for you, I was never going to kill you, just that monster you call a brother." Mikael says in distaste, Rebekah looks at her father in disgust, wrenching her shoulder out of his grip, she musters up all her confidence and takes a step back.

"You made him this way, you ruined our family, you had us all running for hundreds of years, you did this to us" she growls out with complete venom, tears threatening to stream down her cheeks. She wanted to drive something through his heart, but she wouldn't.
This is the real monster who ruined all our lives, he is the reason Nik is the way he is.

"Rebekah we need your father, it's the only way to take down klaus, remember he killed your moth" before Elena could finish she was slammed against a shelf causing the books to fly off. "Do not speak about my brother, your the reason for all of this, bloody doppelgängers always ruining every god damn thing in their sight." she grits out through her teeth.

Damon speeds to grab Rebekah and throws her to the other side of the room, but she gets up quickly, She goes to attack again, but her fathers booming voice stops her.

"ENOUGH!, if you want to act like children, then I will kill you all! tonight klaus will die and you, my daughter will help us" he gives his daughter an evil look that she has seen many times before.

Nik is her brother and she loves him but he killed their mother, and she knows that he will kill her if she denies him, sighing Rebekah knows she has to go along with this, if she wants to survive another day, she knows trusting Mikael is a big risk, but she can't let Nik get away with this.

Rebekah slowly makes her way over to the sofas whilst the rest come up with a plan to tell klaus that Mikael is dead, like literally he is lying dead with a dagger in his heart. taking out her phone she decides to text her new friend Lilith,

Rebekah: hey girl, homecoming is tomorrow night, And we're going shopping!

Placing her phone back in her bag, she sighs, normally she would never be friends with a lowly human, she would just use them and then feed of them, but Lilith is different, there is something dark inside her, she has a air of power around her. She wasn't sure if she was human or not, but she was going to find out.

Rebekah's intentions when she introduced herself was to have a quick bite then split, but actually having meeting her and having a fun time, she knew she had found a friend for life or while in her case a good 60 years maybe, human life was short and thats why she never bothered getting to know any of them, all they're good for was being food. Looking over towards Stefan she sees him heading her way, sighing she knows this is it.

"That's not a problem, she's right here." Rebekah's stands taking the phone from Stefan and placing it by her ear, taking a breath she didn't know she was holding, she tries to stay calm.

"Hello Nik.." she slowly paces, making sure to keep her voice steady.

"It's true, he's finally out of our lives for good... I miss you, I'm miserable here... good, I'll see you then brother." Shaking her head she hangs up, giving the phone back she says "he brought it, he's coming home." everyone in the room releases a breathe, Rebekah turns and storms out of the room tears running down her cheeks, did she make the right decision?.


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