Abused, So how did I catch Mr.Celebrity's eye? 5

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Okay I know I haven't uploaded in like forever. It's just some of my friends are idiots and My teachers are homework junkies so I've been busy. But hopefully this will make up for it.

And Happy Thanks Giving.

Chapter Five!

"What on Earth?" Mrs. Macklin exclaimed.

"Apparently, the little brat tried to make a milkshake! You're paying for this. And no pay for the next week!" Mr. Macklin bellowed.

I felt my heart stop.

"No, no. I.....I.. It was an accident. Please, sir. I need the money. Or I can't pay my rent." I stammered, my tone shaky.

"Hey, come dude it was an accident. And I was the one who ordered the milkshake." Mr. Heartthrob defended me.

Mr. Macklin looked baffled. But quickly regained his control.

"It doesn't matter. She made the mistake. And is lucky not to be fired for it. Now, sir if you please, return to your table. I will have a new milkshake out for you as soon as we can." My cruel boss retorted.

"But-but" Mr. Heartthrob stammered.

I knew calling him Mr. Heartthrob was probably mean, and well I just didn't care. And besides if he wanted me to call him Blain he would have told me too. Like the rest of the world does.

"Sir, please. I-I didn't meant too. But If i don't pay this months rent then I'll be evicted! Please. Please." I begged, on the verge of bawling my eyes out.

"Ronald! Stop this! It was an accident. You have no right to cut her off from her good hard earned money. Now, sweetly go clean yourself up. And Ronald, clean up this mess. And sir, please go back to your table." Mrs. Macklin fussed.

"Thank you." I muttered to them both as I ran back into the break room. There were spare clothes, but they were Missy's. And If I touched them, I would surly be dead. Since Missy was my boss's favorite.

So I had nothing to wear.

Bang! Bang!

On the door cause me to jump.

I opened to door leading into the dining room. There Stood Blain with a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a plain Black T-shirt.

"Yes?" I asked, confused.

"Well, I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. Since It was kind omy fault back there. And to give you these. So you could have something to wear." He smiled at me.

I saw something in his eyes. I couldn't put my finger on it but there was something. The way his eyes light up when he saw me.

I shrugged, it was probably the fact that I am covered in chocolate milkshake.

"Ah, thanks." I murmured as I took the clothes.

Then suddenly the girl from the table barraged into the break room.

"Blain! Why did you take my jeans?" She growled at him. With he hands on her hips.

"She needed them! Oh, by the way what's your name." He responded calmly.

"Kali." I smiled slightly.

These two were pretty amusing.

"You dumped a milkshake on the poor girl!" Rose exclaimed.

"What is wrong with you? Did she ask for an autograph?" Rose went on ranting.

I cleared my throat.

"Yeah?" Rose grumbled.

I gestured to myself. And she understood then.

"Come on, Out!" She directed Blain.

"Bye, kali!" He called over his shoulder. And I swore I saw him wink at me as Rose pushed him out.

"Oh, I'm Rose by the way." She gave me a soft smile.

"Yeah, I kind of knew. You are famous." I joked.

"Oh, Yeah. I am. I tend to forget sometimes." She joked back.

I smiled.

"So do you need help with your hair? It looks like a muddy nest." She bluntly said.

But I wasn't hurt or offended. I liked her. She wasn't afraid to tell you what she thought.

"Sure." I murmured.

"Okay, I'll go get a bucket of water. Be right back." Rose called as she ran out of the room.

Wait, what? What did she need a bucket of water for?

All I knew was I probably wasn't going to like this.

Rose entered the Room with Jordan and Justin behind her. All with an evil geam in there eyes.

Before I could say anything they pushed me outside and dumped the whole bucket on me. And it was ice cold.

I shrieked.

"That's c-cold!" I yelled at them.

They laughed. And Jordan fell to the ground rolling. I glared at him.

"Well it was much quicker than a shower." Rose giggled.

"And you're clean now!" Blain called walking out the back room. A huge grin on his face.

"Yes, but I am soaking wet now." And then I saw the clock. Seven forty five.

"Shit, I start school in fifteen minutes!" I exclaimed.

I can't be late again or I else the Principal will call my parents and assign me a office detention. And I can not afford a detention.

""Well hurry up and get dressed. We'll stall Mr. Fatass." Rose said.

I laughed at that and nodded my head.

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