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One half of the land was dark. The people there hated the people of the other half; the light side, whom hated the dark in returned feeling. They agreed on one thing though: That one of their tribe members must never talk to one of the other tribe members. The light would never speak to the dark; the dark never spoke to the light. That was to be the eternal way. WAS.

But, like with every kingdom, democracy, or tribe, customs always change. Whether for good or bad will forever be undetermined.

It was said once, however, that there was once a time were the light and dark got along. The mother and father of all. Yin, the father, was dark, and Yan, the mother was light. But after they had died, separating the power between their children, the twins, things weren't the same. The twins fought for the other's share of power, until, it's said, they killed each other. But they didn't necessarily die; they were split into the many people that make up the tribe today. The light, and the dark. Rivals, sworn for eternity.


Her white eyes were different from the rest of the tribe's eyes. They all had dark eyes, but she was born with white eyes and pale-as-paper skin. Their skin was a pale but deep tan. She often got teased, and preferred to hunt alone because of it. She snuck around the tree with expert precision. Her tail flicked at the ever quiet sound of footsteps, her highly accurate ears shooting up at the sound. She peeked around the tree and saw something so bright, so.... bold that she shielded her eyes. She'd been gone for five days time, exploring the boundaries. Normally most people only went three miles, as did she. She opened her eyes again, this time a little more adjusted to what she would learn was light. A boy who matched his background, except for his eyes, which were black, squinted to see through the darkness.


Forbidden: Yin and YangOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora