Part 11: A Lover not a Fighter

Start from the beginning

"I see the rain has calmed down a little," Yoohyeon spoke with a tint of hope that she would get a proper response.

Siyeon just looked at her briefly, then muttered out a quiet "Yeah," and walked up to her bedroom to change.

Yoohyeon guessed that was progress.

With a small sigh, she took a knife and started peeling the potatoes, wanting to help Siyeon in making dinner today. Though almost cutting a few fingers off her hand made her think that maybe she wasn't born for cooking.

They ate in complete silence. Yoohyeon, thinking she was doing it all discreetly, would glance towards Siyeon a few times, wanting to strike up a conversation but not knowing where to start or how.

"Why are you staring at me?"

She was started when the woman spoke without looking up from her food, drinking the soup calmly.

"My apologies. I know I shall not do that." She bowed her head down and continued eating quietly, without any more secret stares and glances.

Siyeon was the first to finish. She washed her plate and went back to the couch near the fireplace, continuing to read some documents.

Yoohyeon always wished to know what those documents were about, or why Siyeon went to the town for 'business' almost every day. But she knew better not to ask.

She informed Siyeon something about going out for a walk since it wasn't raining anymore. She knew the woman wouldn't care anyway. She shut the door and went out and stood alone, a single figure against the appealing night, or rather, to be accurate, against the stare of this matter-of-fact April evening; soft with the glow of a weak sunshine and sweet, earthy scent of rain. She knew, and she felt it, and she heard it, the earth moving, the dogs barking, let it in, she thought, feeling herself suddenly shrivelled, breathless, feeling life from the ground and out of her body.

Like a nun withdrawing, or like a kid exploring, she walked up the hill she already knew by heart. There she would be meeting with Minji, who could tell Yoohyeon was not doing well at all. She knew she sought comfort, and she also knew the perfect way to give it to her.

Walking down to the river that looked way larger than the last time she saw it because of the rain, Yoohyeon noticed her friend standing with two horses beside. Minji had the biggest smile on and she was waving excitedly at Yoohyeon. "I thought going for a ride would make you feel better."

Yoohyeon's awe-struck eyes marvelled at the brown of Minji's irises, sweeter than any chocolate she had ever tasted. "Please," She nodded her head, giving the black-haired girl a tight hug before walking to Pie, feeling his fur with her bare hands.

"We will ride separately this time, though" Yoohyeon almost immediately looked back, giving Minji a shocked stare. "Don't worry, it will be fine. Come, I'll just help you to get on."

After a bit of struggle, Yoohyeon was already sitting on the horse, holding onto the gear with her dear life.

Minji breathed a laugh, "Just follow me, okay? You'll be alright." she said and jumped on Cherry, her black horse, with so much grace and elegance. "We'll go towards the fields slowly, and then we can go faster if we want. Just squeeze your legs and she will start walking."

Yoohyeon did as she was told to and was started when Pie took off, feeling terrified when the air hit her face. And she heard, somewhere in the background, Minji screaming "Not that tight!"

Yoohyeon guessed she was referring to the squeeze of her legs. Did she squeeze way too hard? Was that why the horse was now almost flying with the speed??

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