》six || chocolate

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the doctor finally leaves, after i didn't answer anything.

now i'm alone. thank god. i slowly sit up and search for my mobile and earplugs, but they aren't there. urghh

my only escpae from this fxcking world isn't there. wow. life seems to hate me that much.

i lay down again and look at the ceiling.

at the moment i don't feel anything. i'm not happy. i wasn't happy for ages. but i also don't feel sad right now.

i just feel empty.

and this feeling sucks more than anything else.

i sigh and close my eyes. but i can't sleep. my heads full and empty at the same time.

then it knocks again and my brother and his friends come. "the doctor said you can leave soon", mikey tells me and smiles.

"i just have to go then, but if you want anybody of us to be with you, just tell us", michaels says while patting my coverd legs.

i just shake my head. i want to be alone. why won't nobody undertsand this?

"i knew you would say this. luke will be the first who will have a look after you"

is he serious? i don't want anybody to look after me. nobody ever did, so why should they do it now?

"no michael. i don't want you to waste any time. have fun! live! have a good time!"

michael smiles. "no honey. now it's about you. i just called mum. she will come this evening. and i also called dad"

"you did what?'", i ask in shock.

"no disscussion about. i have to go now. calum, ashton come with me and thanks luke"

then he leaves.

but wait who was ashton?

ahh the boy who kept me from falling on the floor. i hope he was fine. i mean i'm to heavy to hold. i hope his back isn't hurt.

"would you like to eat something?", luke asks and pulls some chocolate out of his jacket. he wants me to eat that fat choclate with its tonns of calories.

i haven't eaten choclate for ages. i can feel how much i am starving for it.

but i try to overcome temptation and shake my head. luke makes a sad face. "c'mon just one piece of it", he begs and sways the chocolate.

"okay.", i give in and luke immediately smiles and gives me one oiece of chocoalte. it was one with nuts. my favourite one to be honest. "how do you know that this is my favourite one?", i shyly ask.

luke giggles and says: "you always loved it. don't you remeber?"

"to be honest i don't"

"then i will tell you", he says, sits down at the end of my bed and looks straight next to me.

then he started to tell me, how he knew why choclate with nuts was my favourite.

luke pov

~ flashback 4 years ago ~

mikey and me are sitting on the couch with our controlers in our hands. "c'mon jump", michael shouts and makes a weird face. "i tried", i say and give him annoyed glance.

"okay let's stop and have something to eat", i suggest. "okay fine" michael stands up and goes into the kitchen. "i will make us some pizza but first what about a choclate bar?" i nod. "good idea."

"just help yourself and take some from our pantry" i nod again and walk downstairs in the cliffords' pantry. "hello is somebdy there?" the light was shining and i hear a weird noise. i got no answer so i slowly take few steps towards the pantry.

"wow u deeply shocked me", i say breathless after i've seen that it just was lia, michael's little sister who just took some chocolate bar from the boxes. she's pretty und really cute. i immediately try to ban these thoughts out of my mind. ~she's just 13 and you are 16~, i think and smile. "sorry luke", she shyly says and presses the choclate on her chest. "chocolate with nuts is the best, isn't it?", she asks and smiles widely. "definitely", i admit and smile. "would you like to share with me"

"nooo it's all mine", she says and grins. "just kidding, here you are", she gives me two of the chocolate bars and puts on of them in her pocket.

"bye luke. hope u have fun...", she leaves before i can ask her if she wouldn't like to join our games....

i never asked her to play with us.i stupid, selfish boy!

~ end of the flashback ~

lia pov

i look into his blue eyes. i don't remeber this. i haven't eaten chocolate for ages. so i can't remeber this. i was 13 i guess. and i had a little crush on him. he was so cute with his blonde hair which always fell in his face. and his laugh brightened up my day. i often spied on them while they we're playing their video games and i would have given everthing to be a part of their game. but they never asked me.

"lia?" "hm?" "you have to know that we always wanted you to be part of our games, but we tought you wouldn't be interested in playing video games, drinking lots of coca and eating a lot." i softly smiled. "you never asked me", i said. "you never did" i felt tears coming up and i tried to avoid it. i don't want to cry. but i did. and luke just hugged me. he did what nobody else did before when i was sad.

"it's fine lia. everything will be allright", he softly says. "i hope so.", i answer. "but i know it won't", i finish it in my head.

eccedentesiast 》ashton irwin [english]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ