"what happened to her to have her so shaken up?"

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ochako POV (ik you'd never think the day would come)

i look over to my beautiful girlfriend, as i do i see she opens a note. i'll ask her after class because sensei rolls into class from his yellow sleeping bag.

he stands up and he walks to the podium, he says, "class, we have an announcement today. the league of villains has infiltrated the school and we must stay in the class. DONT LEAVE." he says the last part in a serious tone. everyone starts freaking out, tsu especially.

i run up to her, "tsu, tsu, what's wrong?"
she looks alarmed as she hears me, she looks up and shakes her head at me, i hug her and try to have her calm down. she shakes her head from within my hug as she falls to the floor. i catch her before she does. i set her carefully on the floor, she has her legs tucked in and her hands on her head.

what happened with her to have her so shaken up?

ik the previous chapter and this one are short but it's because the next chapter HAS SOME TEA THAT NEEDS TO BE SPILLED! so yeah just saying :)

your normal (tsuchako transgender au) - (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora