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I awoke from my deep sleep only to be hit in the face with a beam of light coming from my window. Groggily I shuffled over to my walk-in closet and dresser. I felt half dead as I was getting my outfit for the day ready. After picking out a pair of torn skinny-flare jeans, a tight, simple white top, and a pair of Sambas and set them on my bed I slugged to my bathroom to take a nice shower. I closed my eyes as i heavenly washed and conditioned my long blond hair. After feeling nice and clean I stepped out and stared at my naked self in the mirror before slowly wrapping atowel around my shoulders.

I walked slowly to my bed and began dressing myself before putting on light make up and smokey eye shadow. As I finished my daily routine I felt myself growing hungry. I walked out of my room and down the steps to be greeted by my strange housemates. "Morning love." my charming friend Sebastian mumbled into my damp hair. I merely grunted in response before trudging into the kitchen. As I walked in i was hit in the face with a smell of bacon and sweet OJ. Even as a canabal, we still love greasy American food too.

"Morning Kora." I greeted to my best friend since eighth grade. "Sup, babe." she replied as she poured me a glass of orange juice. I gulped it all down in one go before licking my now wet lips. I walked over to the dishwasher 'bout to put it away before I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around my waistand a warm breathe on my cheeks. "Morning hun." my close friendJack whispered. "Aye." I sighed before turning around and started walking away. "So my peeps, whats on the agenda?"Jackasked to nobody in particular. "Well, you boys are gonna go grocery shopping while us two are gonna go have a walk in the woods." Kora replied without looking at any of us as she started putting the bacon on a toweled plate.

Seb andJacklet out a small sigh before heading out. "What are we gonna do in the woods?" I wondered. "I gotta show you something!" she replied excitedly before pulling off her dish gloves and pulling me out the back door. We started to walking threw our back yard into the woods. "So, you found anyone yet?" she replied nonchalantly. My parents and friend have been bugging me to get a life and find a man worth my time. But I'm just not really wanting that right now at the moment. "Nah." I replied before whipping my hair into a high pony tail.

"Well, maybe we'll find someone soon-" she whispered before she took off running threw the trees and thorns. I struggled to catch up to her without blood shed from all the thorns and trappable tree limbs. After about ten minute of chasing she finally showed down. I stopped to watch what she was doing before she suddenly jumped off a large pile of rocks. I ran towards the edge to look over before I felt a hand on my ankle forcing me down. "Ow-" I half whispered half screeched. "Shh-" Kora said before shoving a hand over my mouth and dragging us hidden behind branches.

I all of a suddenly heard leaves crunching and people talking. I slowly looked up watching as two grown men walked above us without care. They were talking and joking loudy before one stopped. "Luke! Get your ass here!" the chubby man yelled at this Luke. The cuddy man kept walking before joking again with the other. I waited before hearing curses as I as a handsome, lean man stubbled through the brier patch. Kora gasped loudly as she looked at him. He had shaggy black hair falling in his eyes, sweat was damp on his forehead making him look even more sexy, I watched as his bright midnight blue eyes glared at the nature he just tripped over.

He stopped dead in his tracks after hearing Kora's loud sigh of approval. He looked around curious around the woods. For a second he stared just a foot ahead of where we hid. He finally locked eyes with mine, or it seemed he did before he was called by the two men. He swiftly picked up his pace and jogged threw the woods to catch up with the men. "Whoa," Kora swooned. "did you see his eyes! Oh I bet he's single!" she nudged be> I simple rolled my eyes and yanked her dirty hand off my face.

We continued walking threw out the woods before Kora suddenly stopped me again. "We're here." she said solemnly. as we both stared at each other and listened for any sounds. Finally after five minutes of waiting we heard a small yelp and a fear claws scratching. Kora waisted no time running towards that direction. I leisurely followed behind. I followed Kora down into the tinniest of caves. As I entered I was faced with Kora snuggling and cradling a small pup. "Whoa, Kora what did you do?" I questioned as I stared at the grey thing. "Nothing! I found this wolf pup wandering out here one day, he-he was injured and I couldn't let him be alone." she sniffled. "I think it's mother was killed or abandoned it." Kora was such a aminal freak, but that just made me love her oh so more. "Come on, let's take him home and get him cleaned up" I sighed before we started our long walk home

"Hey!!-" Seb said before he saw what was in Kora's hands. "what the-.." "A DOG!!!" Jack screamed like a kid as he ran to the mutt. I rolled my eyes before falling on the couch. I felt someones breath on my ears as I watched Spongebob on the TV. "So- howd we end up with another rascal?" Seb asked before coming around to sit by me. " oh, you know Kora" I joked. "Hmm." he murmured before sliding his arm aound my waist and pulling me closer. "So, have you been thinking about the possibilities of you and me?" he asked seductively before sucking on my neck. I rolled my eyes before getting slightly uncomfortable. "Seb, you know how I am-" I said before he stopped me. "Can't blame me fore trying aye?" he said before leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Whadaya say we head out to the boardwalk by the Beach,just me and you like old times? he asked. "Sure, let me get ready." I replied before going upstairs to change. I came back down now dressed in jean shorts, flip flops, and the same tee I had on before. "Byes!" I yelled at Kora and Jack as they obsessed over the newest member of our household. Kora waved and Jack nodded before they started to give him a bath. "Let's go." I said before walking out the door with Seb on my heels.

The ride was quiet besides the radio and our breathing. When we arrived and Seb parked we headed to the long strip of shops, street performers, restaurants, and rides beside the soft sand and ocean. Seb silently grabbed my hand as we walked down the boardwalk. "Hey, want something to eat while it's dark?" he asked as we watched the crowds thin. "Mhmm." I said while my eyes were planted on a pair of teens walking towards a dark alley. Without a silent word we both stalked them until they walked into the alley.

I pounced onto the girl as Seb pounced onto the boy. After doing this for years I learned to stay clean as I killed the teen. I first punched her in the face to get her to shut up as I heard Seb doing the same. I quickly ripped my sharp teeth into her flesh under her neck with one hand on her mouth as she cried. I bit harder above her veins as i torn threw her flesh. I felt the blood pouring into my mouth, trying not to stain my white shirt. After she stopped bleeding I began to eat her rare flesh as she remained alive and crying. I listened as her silent screams under my fist gave me raw joy.

I lapped at her flesh before eating a good part of her shoulder and back before throwing her lifeless body off of me. I looked over at Seb who had eating almost all of the torso. I stared at the boys lifeless eyes as they stared at the midnight sky. I took out my sharp pocket knife as I began chopping the girls body into pieces. Seb threw a big black trash bag at me as he began doing the same. We packaged the reckage into the bags and scuffed the dried blood on the concrete until it was a dry brown color.After walking out of the alley with ruffled hair an crinkled clothes we started walking to the ocean to dispose of the left overs knowing that the sea gulls and fish will also have a meal as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2010 ⏰

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