Chapter 2

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^^^^pic of Travis

Six months later

Travis sighed happily, he was finally done. The last box was unpacked and he could sit down for a minute. He had moved back to his home town, and if he never moved again he'd be happy. Not that he had a lot of stuff he just didn't like moving. His new place was smaller then his last place but he didn't need much room anyway. This place had two bedrooms, a decent sized bathroom, a nice kitchen and a good sized living room. He didn't have much to fill it with anyway seeing as how he left most of the big stuff with his old roommate. It didn't bother him though he wouldn't be here that much anyway with the hours he worked. He'd be lucky to come home most nights anyway. He didn't have much to do over the weekends but there was always blueprints to look over or draw up.

Maybe he could find someone to spend his weekends with. Maybe just maybe he could find someone who actually cared for him and not what he could offer them. He could get any woman he wanted and most of the time he did just that, but once he stopped buying things for them they tipped out the door faster then he could say "NO".

"Who am I kidding?" He thought. "That's all women ever want anymore. They aren't looking for love , but what the man can buy them." He sighed and shook his head.

His stomach growled and he realized he hadn't eaten anything yet today. He strolled into the kitchen and opened his fridge to find it bare. "Shit." He sighed as he ran his fingers through his shoulder length hair. " I guess I'm going to the store." He shut the fridge and grabbed a shirt. Bringing the shirt to his nose he smelled of it before he put it on then went to put his boots on when the finger pull broke as he tugged them on.

"Damn it to hell." He growled. "I wonder if old man Tucker is still in business? He always did have the best boots around." He made a mental note to look into that later, but for now he had to eat. He hated the idea of breaking in new boots, they always rubbed blisters on his feet. Oh well it had to happen sooner or later. He shrugged and headed out of the apartment.

As he was walking out to his truck, a car flew past almost hitting him and parked. "Hey watch it asshole!" He yelled.

A small figure got out of the car with her head down. "I'm so sorry, are you alright? I didn't see you, my mind was elsewhere." She rambled quietly.

"I'm fine, but you might want to think about slowing down. You might not get so lucky next time." He said in a firm but gentle tone.

"I-I'm sorry. " She said again as she disappeared into the building.

"Crazy woman." He thought as he climbed up into his truck. "I hope all the women here aren't like that. Hell he'd be dead in a week if they were." A smile touched his lips as he recalled the woman he'd just encountered. "Of course if all the women here are as pretty as that one it would be worth it." He chuckled to himself.

As he pulled into the parking lot he thought he remembered seeing tears in her eyes. "Surely she wasn't upset over almost hitting me. Was she? No it had to be something else." As he entered the store his mind went to what he needed to get and off the tiny woman he'd met.

As he was checking out he noticed the cashier eyeing him like he was a prized pig. He flashed her the best smile he could muster up at the time. His thoughts kept creeping back to the woman in the garage and how beautiful she was.

"New in town?" The girl asked flashing him a come hither smile and popped the gum she was chewing.

"Not really, I grew up here, but I just moved back." He said looking in his wallet for the money she said he owed. " Things sure have changed since I've been gone." He said as he handed her the money.

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