Got caught...Ahem

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[1 - When Shoto catches Bakugou with a small body pillow of him]

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[1 - When Shoto catches Bakugou with a small body pillow of him]

Shoto walks in their shared room since he wanted to hang out with his boyfriend, but he stops in his track as he sees the blondie doing something. He is actually punching angrily a poor small body pillow with the dual haired male on it making Shoto swallow his saliva...What did he do again? The blondie's boyfriend lifts his hand up like saying 'stop hitting that poor pillow' as he looks horrified and a bit scared as to why he was doing that to "him". 

" Wh-whats going on here? ", Shoto finally asks out loud.

[2 - When Bakugou catches Shoto with a small body pillow of him this time]

Bakugou is in a better mood and he actually wants to hang out with his boyfriend this time, no hitting a pillow and so he walks up to their shared room.  He opens the door and is about to yell or simply say something when what he sees in front of him stops him from shock and from being flustered. Here in front of him is a Shoto pulling up his pants, straddling a body pillow of Bakugou and by the looks of his red and sweating face it looks like he just did something with that pillow. It is understandable that after seeing your boyfriend hitting a pillow with you on it, that Shoto would naturally go and do something he wanted to do with his boyfriend's pillow instead...But how will Bakugou react to this?

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