Reunited 7/13/2018

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     I went to Julianna's (jujus) house. Her, Madashia (Dashia), and I hung out just like old times. I really needed it. The first thing we did was take pictures with mine and dashias Polaroids. When we were done, we went inside, and painted over the Polaroids that didn't turn out well.
     We sat at jujus kitchen table. We all talked. We had deep conversations. We updated each other on our lives, our high school experiences, and boys.
     They attempted to make ice coffee with some Carmel stuff, and it tasted bad. We made two boxes of velveta Mac and cheese. Dashia and juju used big bowls for their Mac and cheese, and I got a small bowl. They were teasing me for eating so much. I just teased Dashia cuz she doesn't like the word "poop".
     We were rushing to clean the kitchen because we thought John, jujus dad, was home.
     We pulled out the couch in the living room into a bed. We stayed up late with the thunder and lighting, talking. I was the first to fall asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night, and no one was there; I just went back to sleep confused.
     Dashia woke me up this morning by hitting me with a giraffe stuffed animal. We got up, and got dressed. Jujus dad took us out to eat. I had a blt.
     We went to Alpenfest. I went on the gravitron for the first time. I was too scared to go on it when I was younger for some reason. I went on the zipper. Because of my secondary trauma from the bus accident, things scare me. I was on the swings, heard a noise, and was freaking out.
     I saw Carson and wanted to go on a ride with him. He looked sad. His friends could see us on the ride together, and they were making hearts with their hands. Carson did it back.
     I ran into Day, and he asked me if  Tyler, my brother, was working. Little did I know, jujus dads girlfriend, Amy was going to take Dashia, juju, and I to my brothers work, Taco Bell. While we were ordering our food, Day walked in. Day said,
        "I have pen and paper ready."
     Day is a big fan of my brother. My brother calls himself "kammyer king". That's his rap name. He thinks he can rap, but I don't think so, shhh.  I got my brother to sign the paper for Day. Days response was,
            "You're, like, my favorite person right now."
     After that, we went back to jujus house. Dashia, juju, and I hung out in jujus dads room with the cool air on. We talked about the day. We agreed that Day is cute. They think Carson likes me, but Carson and I are just friends.
     We watched Everything Everything and The Notebook. I had read the book Everything Everything. Juju was balling her eyes out about The Notebook. I was judging her; I didn't think it was that sad. They had each other till the end.
     But, we all started balling our eyes out because we didn't want to say goodbye to each other. Juju has to go back to Tennessee. Dashia had to go back to kelkaska. We don't know when we'll see each other again. Life is so unpredictable. Anything can happen at any moment.
     To make us laugh, I brought up the fact that 24 hrs ago, we were eating Mac and cheese, laughing, and rushing to clean.
     I really needed this, and them. This summer has just been really sad. I lost a lot of important people, and I haven't been myself lately.

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