Chapter 2

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Brooke had been through hell and back, but nothing she experienced was quite like the high school. Enrolling had been strangely easy; she'd forgotten she existed on government records. She had been home-schooled once she reached high school age, but she doubted her Aunt had taught her much of use. Not that she'd given her much of a chance.

It was difficult for Brooke to focus on the mundane when she was part of so much more.

She'd gone to a number of shops and brought cheep clothing. She still felt out of place when she stepped into school the next morning. She had wanted to look non-threatening and approachable so she went for denim and light flowery shirts. She even put her hair into a half-ponytail with a small bow adorning the back.

She spotted the Argent, who'd started the day before. She sat down beside her, smiling and bouncing her knee under the desk.

"Hey." She said.

"Oh, hi." The Argent girl replied. "Are you new too?"

"Yeah, were you?" Brooke asked.

The Argent nodded. "Thanks for rescuing me from being 'the new girl'." She said, "my name's Allison by the way."

"Brooke." Brooke said, shaking the hand Allison offered.

"Nice nails." She said. Brooke felt a moment of panic before Allison continued, "did you use a nail powder?"

"Yeah. Uh... It stays on for ages, it's great."

"One day you should show me."

"Sure." Brooke said as the teacher entered the room.

She was silent as they were put into pairs for a project. Humans were like wolves she decided; if they needed to be together to do something as simple as a school project. She kept the vacant little smile on her face as she got her partner.

She let her attention wander as much as she dared as the lesson begun. There were so many people and she hated it. She managed to narrow in on a guy sitting nearby. His scent was distinctive. He was a friend of her partner; Styles.

"Who is he?" She asked him.

"Oh, him? That's Scott. You might not wanna go after him right now though. He has a bit of a thing for Allison."

She nodded absentmindedly. He must be the one Derek told him of.

A switch flipped in her brain and very suddenly her thoughts were on him. He was strange to her. She knew werewolves well already, knew they needed a pack. She'd never experienced the aching longing that came from being alone but she wondered if he felt it.

She should not be feeling sorry for lonely werewolves, she told herself. She was on a mission, one which she'd already been distracted from.

The alpha. Find the alpha.

So why was she in high school again?


Derek had not expected to see her so early in the evening; she must've come straight after school finished. Once again she was unrecognizable from the previous night. She wore jeans and a fur-lined tan jacket. Her hair was done in a half-ponytail, though it was the bow which caught Derek's eye. If he didn't already know she was a good actor he would question his decision to let her help.

"I just spent an hour analysing some shitty article on depression for english. High school is gonna kill me if the hunters don't."

"Grow up." He told her.

"Easy for you to say. I'd rather tackle a coyote than do english."

"Coyotes are cowards." He informed her.

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