The door opened and colby shut it slowly while making a weird face.

I laughed a little bit and walked over to the kitchen area.

"You ready?" He asked me. "Yeah" I replied. He turned his camera on and held it up.

"I should probably shut her door" I said and ran over to her bedroom door. I remembered that I had to hide her phone so I opened it again and walked in.

I took her phone and looked at her sleeping face. I smiled and gently kissed her head.

I walked out and shut the door.

Colby laughed as I ran back over to him.

"She's a heavy sleeper anyways" I said and stood by him.

He shook his head smiling. "What's up guys it's colby Brock. Today I'm with my friend Sara's girlfriend and we decided to prank her. Basically, she'll be 'stabbed' on the ground lifeless and ill wake up Sara saying I was here because we wanted to pull a prank on her but I found her like this" he said.

I nodded my head and grabbed a cup of water. Colby looked at me weird and zoomed in the camera on me.

"What? I've gotta get hydrated before I die" I shrugged. He laughed and I sat down on the ground.

I took off Sara's sweatshirt and Colby handed me the fake blood.

I gladly took it and opened it. I grabbed the roll of paper towels from the counter and dumped some blood on it.

"Does it matter how much I use?" I asked him. "No" he replied. "Good" I replied as I dumped some on my stomach.

I took the paper towel and dabbed some of it on the outside of where the blood dripped.

"Here go in that cabinet" I said pointing to a cabinet. "There should be black food coloring in there can you grab it?" I asked.

"Sure" colby said and opened up the cabinet. He rummaged around and then picked up a bottle and handed it to me.

"Thank you" I said as I opened it. I dropped a few drops on the same paper towel and dabbed it in the middle of where I poured the blood.

"That looks so good!" Colby exclaimed.

"Shut up" I replied laughing.

He made a face and shut up. I laughed and spread out the blood that dropped on the floor.

"I'm done just grab a knife" I told him. He grabbed a big knife from the drawer and covered it in blood.

He then set it down next to me. "You should make footprints with the blood" I told him.

"Good idea" he replied and dumped some blood on the ground. He stepped in it and stepped over to the door.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he set up the camera.

He gave me a thumbs up and I gave one back.

He slammed Sara's bedroom door open and I heard them talking.

Colby's POV:

I slammed open Sara's door and ran over to her bed.

I shook her shoulders. "Sara! Maddy was stabbed! I don't know if she's breathing" I said hectic.

"What?!" She shouted and threw the covers over her.

She ran out to the kitchen area and jumped on the ground next to Maddy.

"No no no no baby stay with me come on" she shouted while putting pressure on Maddy's stomach where the fake blood was.

"Get me a towel from the bathroom now" Sara demanded with tears in her eyes.

I ran into the guest bathroom and grabbed a towel. I ran back out and handed it to Sara.

She had tears rolling down her face and put the towel on her stomach.

"No madison I cant loose you no" Sara's voice cracked.

Maddy sat up and looked at Sara. "Why are you crying?" She asked.

"You were gone" Sara sobbed. "But I'm not" Maddy replied.

"Okay I feel really bad now" I said and picked up the camera.

"Same" Maddy replied while hugging Sara.

Sara pulled away and wiped her face. "I'm sorry" Maddy said to her. Sara shook her head at her and smiled.

"You're fine. I'm just so relieved you're not gone" Sara replied.

"Okay, well thank you guys for watching. Go follow them on all their social media's for this and a huge thank you to them. I'll see you next week peace" I said to the camera and covered the lense.

I turned off the camera and hugged Sara.

"I'm so sorry bro" I said to her. "You're good" she replied.

"Well I'm gonna go to let you guys go back to sleep" I told them. "Okay" they both replied.

I grabbed my stuff and walked out.

Sara's pov:

I grabbed some paper towels and cleaned up all of the blood. Maddy took the towel and wiped all of the blood off of her stomach.

I threw all of the towels away and grabbed the towel from Maddy when she was done and threw it away.

It was only about 4 at this point so we walked back into my room.

We crawled under the covers and I turned on music.

Maddy pulled me into her chest and I gladly obliged. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she held me tight by the waist.

I fell asleep a few minutes later.

The video that started it all - girlxgirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora