C12: First date 2-I promise I won't look at you when you play my violin

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It was a small teashop located near the city's main park. The shop has ancient architecture interspersed with Asian and European styles. Space filled with the scent of herbs and flowers. The second floor of the teashop has a large wooden corridor overlooking the park's flower garden. That's where he wanted Brett to come. he carefully selected a seat with a private space located in the corner of the hallway.

While Eddy ordered their drink with the waiter, Brett watched the scene and enjoyed the peace of space.

-" Do you like this place?" Eddy asked with a smile.

-" yup, it's picturesque" he said with admiration.

The drink was brought out, it was a glass teapot and some sweet breakfast around.
-" Do you like sweets?" he had a look of expectation.

-"Hmm I like so much" Brett chuckled softly. He could feel the heat on his face as he looked at Eddy. 'What a cute man'

eddy rose up, carefully poured tea into each cup and took some biscuits into the smaller man's plate. Brett watched the contours of his face meticulously, in a way he could never do in the orchestra.

-" Thank you"

He replied with a big smile.

brett was confused because of his mask. He can drink tea with a straw but he definitely can't blow tea. Eddy took his cup, looked at him and chuckled, telling himself that the look of this man was so cute.

-" Hey~ LingLing, do you need my help?"

-"yes... pls.." he felt shame. he liked to see how Eddy was blowing and smiling at the same time and he handed the tea to him with a broader smile. that made his heart beat faster and Brett knew he really liked the guy in front of him.

-"Is your throat okay?" Eddy asked in a gentle voice.

-" I feel better"

-" Um...I just..you still.. need a bear mask?" He hesitated.

'Yes!! Omg I really forgot it, I need to tell him.. tell Eddy.. I'm BrettYang'
-" Eddy,.. I..want to tell you that.. I.. I..." His throat almost choked and the pain made it even more difficult for him to make words.

-"Yes?" He looked at Brett with happy eyes.

-" I'm.. If I..If I can't remove this mask?" he bit his lips and was able to taste the blood on his tongue'Ah.. I can't'

-" Oww don't be worry, I won't push you, LingLing" Eddy smiled brightly.

-" I..I..mean...okay.. thank you so much, do you want to lunch with me?" He sighed.

-" Of course, actually, I planned a picnic lunch"

-" Really?" He choked his tea.

-" Yes, I have prepared some food and we can buy more drinks"

-" That's so great! And you cooked?"

-" Hmm.. yeah and my sis helped" he smiled bashfully."

they ended their small tea party when it was noon. together they walked into the park with Eddy's big bag and his violin case.

Brett pointed to a place overlooking the lake where there were large grass hills and a few old trees, stone walks,... and it was important that there were no people there.
-" Is that place okay?"

-" Yes, look so great!" Eddy said.

Eddy carefully spread a waterproof cloth under the camping towel because he was worried that the ground was still wet after yesterday's rain, though they seemed to be dry. Brett took food out of a big bag and he saw some music.

-" Eddy, you want to practice?"

-" Um...Actually it's a new piece I want to try..I've played it once and want to try again ... do you mind if I ..."

-" Yeah!! Just play it, I really want to see you with your violin"

Eddy moved closer to Brett to see the music. For a few seconds, he thought he could smell a familiar vanilla smell.

He started playing, it was good he did not look at the score a few times and glanced at Brett. Perhaps because the music was still new for him and Eddy hasn't practiced yet, he is sometimes embarrassed but his sound was still very beautiful. Brett saw an imperfect side of Eddy and his cuteness, he loved them.

In a moment of seriously admitting the music he forgot that he was Lingling.

-" You missed some note here" he pointed to the music.

Eddy was surprised, he suddenly had a happier voice. " Hey!!! You can read it? Do you play an instrument, I forgot to ask you? Violin?" His eyes lit up and looked at Brett.

-".. ye..yes.." his heart pounded.

-" Can you.. play .. for me?"

-" But I have this mask, I can't see strings"

-"I'll turn my back, I won't look at you, just a little bit? I promise I won't look at you when you play" he begged with a brilliant smile that Bett couldn't say 'no'.

-"... Okay, Eddy"

When Eddy turned his back on him. Brett slowly removed his cute bear mask.


#Hi! My holiday has ended and i'm too busy so i couldn't update my fic regularly as from chapter 1 to chapter 9.#

Thank you for reading my fic! =w=

♡I Know you♡ _ Twosetviolin- BrettxEddy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now