I heart you

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Chapter 12





With my hands in the air midway I snap to the beat, as I sway my hips side to side.

I'm really feeling myself tonight, and it's mostly because my intake of liquor is above the amount I shouldn't have reached, and also because Ashley is a beast on the dance floor. This white girl is full of surprises, and she's cool as hell.

I was looking around for Janet though, I figured her and Toni would be finished talking by now. But ain't no telling what's going on in there, Janet is a soft cookie for Toni. Eventually they will make up if not tonight.

"You looking for somebody?" Ashley ask shimmying her shoulders to the fast Spanish beat.

I nod. "Janet...she's been back there for about an hour now. Just expected them to be out by now."

She waves off in the direction of the private rooms. "Just between me and you, if they had to go back there to talk...their probably doing more than just chatting." She says and then the song changes to an up tempo song that sounded Techno. Wasn't really my thing so I just turned away from Ashley as she danced up on this other girl that was dressed in a unicorn costume. What Ashley said lingered in my mind as I pushed, and shoved through the crowd of people dancing. It really made me think, even though I know Janet wouldn't cheat on me I still had my doubts. I mean Toni is her best friend, I wouldn't put anything past her.

I was beginning to worry that maybe they were back their doing something together, I mean that's mostly what goes on in those private rooms. But then again, they haven't spoken in weeks because they fell out over stupid shit Toni said and did. I just can't wrap my mind around Janet doing anything to jeopardize what we have together, I just can't.

I sit down at a booth on the far end of a couple just sitting, grooving to the music and I fish my phone out of my inside pocket. I open my messages, and I noticed I had a missed call from Janet.

I immediately called her back, and I put the phone to my ear. I hadn't felt the vibration from my phone, because I was so busy out there grooving and moving on the dance floor with Ashley.

"Hello." Janet speaks softly.

"Hey..I just seen your missed call. Where are you?" I ask since I didn't hear the the music from the club in her background.

"I'm outside, I have to talk to you. Can you meet me in the parking lot?"

I stand to my feet as I glance towards the exit of the club. "Sure..I'm coming right out."

I hang up immediately, and I step down the steps on level ground, and I walk past the velvet ropes to head in the direction of the exit. After pushing the door open I walk with my arms crossed towards the parking garage, and as soon as I step past the yellow marking on the ground I see Janet standing by my car.

I smile at her as I get closer, and I notice her eyes are wet. That's when my facial expression changed, and I became worried.

"Janet...what's wrong?"

She bites down on her bottom lip, and she explodes in a fit of tears. I grab ahold of her, and I hold her in comfort. I rub my hand up, and down her arm.

"Talk to me...tell me what's wrong baby." I say as I hold her close to me, her light cries echoing throughout the garage.

I pull away while holding her shoulders. "Was it Toni?" I ask trying to get her to tell me what's wrong. But she just continued to cry, and refused to say anything.

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