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Kasuan sat on the edge of the bed and started to get dressed

" You leaving already ? " Kenisha asked laying naked under the covers, her face bare and her hair a mess.

Kasuan sighed, he put on his pants and shoes and looked back at her " Look, what me and you had going on gotta' end. I love Adryian-

" If you loved her you wouldn't be with me " Kenisha said sitting up and kneeling behind him. She started to rub his back while placing gentle kisses on his neck and shoulder.

Kasuan didn't know how he got into the situation he did but he felt it was time to end it. a month ago around the time his son was born he remembered he was drunk at a club with Devin the next he was in bed with Kenisha and for some reason he couldn't leave her alone. When he disappeared for three weeks he took her with him and she was there for him when he needed her. She was a good person to talk to and she listened to his problems and gave him good advice, the good pussy was just a plus.

Kenisha knew how to play her role as a side piece too, she didn't nag Kasuan about leaving Adryian or wanting more, she didn't try to be petty towards Adryian or tell everybody what they had going on, she just played her part

" We can't do this anymore " Kasuan sighed, it felt wrong now.

" I understand, I'll keep our secret safe with me " she said moving away from him. " but don't come back when you want me " she added

Kasuan shook his head to himself before getting up and leaving. They both knew he'd be back.


Adryian drove home from the clinic with Tania and Keyarri. Kasuan was busy so she had to take Sehkani with them which had her mad cause she didn't like bringing him out the house

" you good?" Adryian asked looking at Tania and then back at the road

" I'm fine" Tania mumbled, she leaned the seat back and closed her eyes. Her body was sore, She had cried that whole morning and was honestly tired. She was mad at herself for even getting involved with Devin

It hurt her to give up her first kid but she was doing what was best, she wasn't ready for a baby

" So what you do with the money Devin gave you ? " Keyarri asked, she didn't have a filter at all.

" I spent it " Tania replied. " I was being spiteful because he wanted me to get rid of it "

" Tania you gotta' slow down.. you catching a label out here " Adryian said honestly. Kasuan told her what folks were saying about Tania, she was having sex with any and everybody now . It was even rumors going around that she was having sex for money. " One day it's gone be worse and you gone catch something that's gone fuck you up for life " Adryian added

" Whatever Adryian " Tania mumbled

Adryian wasn't about to waste her breath anymore, it was up to Tania now to listen and change or do what she wanted, Adryian wasn't about to baby sit her anymore. She dropped Keyarri off at home before pulling up to her Aunt's house.

Adryian stopped Tania before she got out the car. " What's up with you Tee ? " she asked " Like for real, what's going on ? "

Tania looked at her " You just don't get it " she said, Adryian held a confused look on her face. " Ever since you came down here your life has been perfect, you got it all.. I can't even get the nigga I like to like me back. I've always been in your shadow, even when we were younger. You JUST moved down here and people only know me as YOUR cousin "

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