3 - Getting to know him - Johnny's POV

Start from the beginning

"Thank you again Johnny." Ponyboy says as a small tint of red appear on his cheeks.

I give him a small smile.

"Do you wanna talk when I come back?"

He nods and smiles back.

I try to walk out quickly before he can see me blush.

His smile is so adorable!

It was a Saturday so I was really happy because Cherry worked here on the weekends from 6-5 while I worked here from 6-7. On Sundays we both had days off since the cafe was closed on Sundays.

I was so anxious for her to come because I wanted to tell her everything about Ponyboy and ask her how her date went.

I always came first since I always opened the cafe.

After a few minutes after I'm there she come in.

"Hey Johnny! Good morning!" She says smiling at me.

"Good morning Cherry! So how was your date?"

She blushed and smiled.

"He was so nice!"

She went on and on about him and their date last night.

"We even agreed to go on a second date."

I gasp. "You're kidding?!"

She shakes her head.

"Nope! We're going next week on Friday, anyway are we still on for movie night today?"

Every Saturday we always had movie nights.

"Yeah sure! But there's something you need to know..."

She looks at me with a confused but interested look.

I told her everything about Ponyboy.

When I was done she looked stunned.

"I'm surprised you weren't scared he was gonna kill you in your sleep." She says smiling.

"Well you weren't scared of me when you met me."

"Yeah well that was different, I know they say not to judge books by their covers but you looked so sad and scared and innocent. Like you wouldn't even hurt a fly, so I trusted you."

"Well he did too...he looked so broke and lost, I just needed to trust him with his sad eyes."

She smiles a raises her eyebrows.

"Ohhhh, do you like him?"

"What?! No, I just met him, plus even if I did, it's the 60's he'll probably kill me or something."

"I mean you never know, I never knew you were gay."

Since the cafe was empty we weren't scared of anyone finding out.

"If you want we can cancel movie day and you can stay home with him." She suggests.

A part of me really wanted to be with him alone. He was really cute and almost my age. But at the same time there was no possible chance he thought the same.

"No, it's fine." I say.

"Come on! As much as I enjoy movie nights, I also want you to get a boyfriend. Think about it and let me know at the end of my shift, if you say no, Marcia has a date tonight so I could help her get ready." Cherry says enthusiastically.

"I'll think about it." I say as a costumer comes in.

At the end of Cherry's shift she asks me.

WHEN I MET YOU - A JohnnyBoy story - (The Outsiders)Where stories live. Discover now