Austin's current attitude towards Kaden might have been similar to that situation, but this was different. Kaden was more anxious than he'd ever been around Austin. His eyes focused away from the houses they passed to his reflection on the car window, a tear had streamed down his cheek. He didn't even notice when it formed. He wiped it away and cleared his throat when the car came to a stop in front of Austin's house.


Kaden paced up and down in Austin's room as he waited for Austin to come up with drinks and snacks. He recalled all the great times that they had in this room since they were kids. From Austin's closet, where he'd hide in during a game of hide and seek, to the bean bags sitting beautifully in front of the TV, where they watched hours of cartoons in the middle of doing homework.

'Will we be okay?' He sat on the bed, looking out the window.

'I hope so,' Austin sighed, entering the room with his hands full.

Kaden stood up as Austin placed the food on his desk. Austin gestured to Kaden to come to take something. Kaden grabbed a soda and sat back down. Austin leaned on the door of his closet.

Silence took over the room. Neither of them looked at each other. Austin sighed a few times, making Kaden think that he was ready to start talking but Austin kept quiet. As much as Kaden hated it, Kaden knew he needed to be the one to start the conversation.

'Austin, last week was-'

'I don't know what happened,' Austin interrupted. 'I didn't mean for anything to happen, Kaden.'

Kaden laid on his back and placed a hand over his eyes.

'Kaden, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. I've been home for the past few days trying to think of some sort of explanation. But there's nothing I can say to you to explain what happened.'

'Nothing happened,' Kaden stated, lifting his hand from his eyes. He raised his brow and stared at Austin. 'Nothing happened.'

'Yeah, but something nearly did.'

If this had been a few years earlier, Kaden wouldn't even question anything and would have just been happy that Austin felt something. But he felt as though he deserved to know.

'Why?' Kaden asked. 'Why did something nearly happen?'

Austin was taken back by the question. Thoughts flooded Austin's mind. He took one glance at Kaden and he knew. He left the comfort of standing and took a moment before sitting next to Kaden.

'Honestly?' Austin whispered.

'Honestly,' Kaden repeated as he sat back up.

Although they were sitting side by side. Austin still had a few inches over Kaden, making it easier to avoid total eye contact.

'Kaden, I-'

'Can you not use my full name? It feels weird.' Kaden interrupted.


'Cause it's either Kades or some snarky nickname making fun of my height. You calling me by the name that everybody uses makes me feel like I'm not going to be important in your life anymore.'

Kaden's hands were noticeably shaking, and his left leg twitching. It brushed up against Austin's leg. Austin firmly put his hand on Kaden's leg. It stopped twitching. Kaden looked up at Austin. Their eyes locked. Austin stared at Kaden for a moment.

'You'll never stop being important to me, Kades.' Austin turned himself so he could face Kaden properly. 'That night, that whole day actually, you just brought up these feelings inside of me. From talking about that date and how you lit up talking about it, to you and I helping Grace out. And when we were parked outside your house, those few minutes in there were incredible. And when I-' Austin looked away.

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