chapter two

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The morning after was bright and warm

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The morning after was bright and warm.
Laying over a mattress and under a thin blanket, the light was beaming through the window and onto Evelyn's face.

"Evie! Evie first day of school! Up you get!" Her mother yelled.
Evelyn sighed, sitting up in her bed.

She let out a groan and got up, stretching her legs and then her arms.
She had her outfit planned out, a white shirt with her yellow skirt, thin stocking and her converse.

She slid her shirt over her head, slipping on her white bra and then her shirt, she finished changing.

Then as she sat at the end of her bed, she felt her phone go off.

Lee { hope the trip was safe, miss you }

Lee was her best friend, they dated for a few months and found it weird so stayed with being friends. She smiled and picked up the phone, texting him back.

To Lee { miss you too, trip was good apart from the constant anxiety coming up and the bathroom breaks }

She let out a sigh and got up from her bed, heading to the bathroom, she moisturised her face and brushed her teeth. Brushing through her messy hair and letting a smile on her face.

"It's fine.. it's fine it's fine it's fine." She whispered to herself, nerves were real to her and she felt like her whole body was over flowing with them.

"Your up?" She heard her mom and opened the bathroom door.

"Yeah.. is it ok if I ride my bike there?" She asked, "it is pretty early and I just wanna look around?" She asked again and stepped out of the bathroom.

"That's ok, as long as you don't get lost." Her mother said.

"I won't." She said, going to her room.

She grabbed her back pack and schedule, grabbing her headphones and phone, she plugged her headphones in and put one in her ear as she left.
"Be safe!" Her mother shouted after her.

Evelyn put the other headphone in as she left and grabbed her bike. Pushing off she glided down the driveway and onto the path.

Samuel was tired and annoyed. The sun make him groan as he rolled out of bed.
"Fuck." He grumbled and got up.

He was ready, he researched the girl last night and found nothing, which pissed him off, this girl wasn't easy.

He pulled on a new shirt and pants and brushed his fingers through his hair.

School, he thought.
Fuck everyone there, what could he do to make the horrid thoughts stop.

Samuel left his apartment and drove his way to school.

He was pulling his way into a car park when his eyes scanned over the bike rack.
The girl, it was her.
He smiled, his day feeling better.

"Everyday I wished for something good and finally.. something good." He mumbled, grabbing his bag.

Samuel shut his door and started to make his way over to her and when he got closer, his ears felt blessed with the soft humming.

Evelyn left the bike once it was locked to the rack and fixed her back, grabbing her schedule, her head was down.
Not seeing the figure making it way in front of her, until her body walked into a hard surface.

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