Chapter 4: ( mosquito monster)

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Everything in the apartment was organized and cleaned. You changed into a simple white dress, it was all peaceful until you heard what sounded like someone clapping their hands aggressively. You gave a confused stare as you tried to make out what it was. Walking outside to your balcony, You saw Saitama smashing his hands together and moving so fast your eyes couldn't keep up.

"How is he so fast?" You said to yourself.
His muscles showing off as he did his thing. Suddenly he ran in and out of his apartment with mosquito spray. "Why you little-" you heard him yell jumping out of his balcony landing on his feet and speeding off.
You stared in awe at how fast he was, who exactly was this guy?

In the distance you saw a blast of flame go off, you worried because Saitama had gone that direction. You could hear loud crashes coming from there, was it a monster? He might be hurt or even worse!. You stood there deciding what to do, if it was a monster you could be killed, but what if Saitama was hurt?

Finally, your feet rushed back inside and out the front door, you didn't get far before an announcement was heard throughout the entire city.

"This is an emergency evacuation warning. Threat level: Demon.
No resident is to go outside under any circumstances. I repeat no city-Z resident is to go outside"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, look" the landlord came out the main office waving you to come inside. You listened heading inside and saw a news reporter speaking on the events.

"All citizens of city-Z stay inside your homes, do not go out for any reason, mosquitos have been sighted draining out any surrounding animals and humans. They are instantly mummified. Stay far away." the reporter spoke showing pictures of animals sucked dry. Your stomach felt sick seeing those things, Saitama was still out there. Hopefully, he would be ok.

To Saitama

*3rd person POV*
Saitama ran trying to desperately kill the mosquito "me and you aren't done yet!", he stopped when the spray got into his mouth giving him a sour taste.

"Pfft Pfft it got in my mouth, you little-" he said spitting out, Saitama realized there was someone standing in front of him. "Wow is that all mosquitos" he asked pointing to an unbelievable swarm of mosquitos flying in a huge huddle.

"You need to get out of here, the swarm is conscious and if it senses you it will attack" said a guy that looked like a cyborg.

"Huh? I need to get-" Saitama was cut off by the swarm smashing onto them.

In just 2 seconds, the whole area was blasted into flames covering everything around it. Buildings were consumed by the raging flames. Blood of the mosquitos covered the burnt streets.

"After you spoke I knew you would have human intelligence, but still you're just a bug and brought all the mosquitos together making it easier to finished them all off, there aren't any residents near a 500-meter radius so I used my- wait, that guy!" Spoke the cyborg thinking he burnt the man to a crisp before being cut off.

"You saved me, you're pretty amazing, I guess you could say you made the bugs bug out of here" said Saitama standing casually naked in the street unhurt but his ashed clothing couldn't say the same.

"Idiot! I don't need those little bugs anymore I mean look!" Yelled a woman/mosquito, she slashed one of the buildings into small pieces shocking the cyborg. "Look how strong I've become!" She said appearing behind the cyborg punching him into the air, she used her long limbs to break part of his abdomen. He tried to fight back but failed, Instead, he was punched further into the sky.
"Haha! What's wrong? Can't your punches defeat a little mosquito?" She said hysterically. "What a weakling" she added.
The poor guy was tossed around like he was nothing compared to her, a blue light emerged from him as he fell down from the sky.

"All I can do now is self sorry Dr. Kuseno..."
The mosquito lady was slapped sending her crashing into a building killing her instantly. The cyborg's jaw dropped at what he was witnessing.

"Mosquitos...suck" said Saitama normally, he started to walk away before being stopped "wait! Tell me you're name" demanded the cyborg.

"Oh, it's Saitama"
"Let me be your disciple!"
"Oh yeah...huh?"

Back to (Y/N) 2nd POV

About 15 minutes had passed by when you heard footsteps outside your door, you rushed to open it "Saitama-"
"Huh?" He said looking at you, he was naked!! You blushed and turned away quickly "why are you naked?!"

"Oh sorry (Y/N), hold on" he walked to his apartment leaving the door open, you gave him a few minutes "you can come in now" you heard him yell. You walked into his apartment closing the door, he was fully dressed sitting near a flat-screen TV.

"I-I just wanted to see if you were ok, I saw on the news about mosquitos killing a lot of animals and possibly people" you said sitting across from him.

"Ah I'm ok, I took care of it" he said
"What happened" you asked
"There was a big mosquito lady monster, but I killed it" he said
"Wow, you really killed it?!" You asked surprised.
"I'm a hero" he said giving a simple smile
"A hero? So you protect city-Z" you said
"I guess" he said turning on his TV.

You starred at him while he watched TV, this guy is a hero? He doesn't look like it, but I guess it's the people you least expect, you thought looking down. Maybe having him around meant...
"You lived in city-A right?" He asked snapping you out of your thoughts
"Yeah, why?"
"Just asking" he got up heading towards the kitchen and coming back with something in hand "here" he set down the dinosaur keychain you dropped.

"Oh my! I forgot I dropped this, thank you," you said giving him a bright smile. "You're welcome," he said and noticed you looking at it with a sad expression, it was weird how you reacted when he first met you; like you were scared of something or sad.

"So Saitama how did you become a hero?" You asked happily...

Saitama was more than glad to share his story, you listened carefully to every detail and paid close attention. He seemed very proud and dedicated to his training, even though he looked like a polished egg, you knew he was special.

"So that's why you look like an egg" you said chuckling.
"Hey!" He glared at you crossing his arms
"I'm joking! It looks good" you said smiling.
His face turned to Normal hearing you say that. "How about I start dinner?" You asked.

"Yeah, let's do it" he said.

You and Saitama spent the afternoon preparing fish, rice, chicken, and grilled vegetables. You cut the food and seasoned them while Saitama cooked them. It had been a while since both of you had nice company, it was even better because you felt safe around him, especially now that you knew he was a hero. He mentioned that he lost human emotion along the way, that answered a lot of questions about his facial expressions. He still smiled but it almost seemed like it was automatic, maybe he did actually smile but it was only on certain occasions. You liked it, he was different from anyone you've ever met, he took unique to a whole new level.

"Everything is done" Saitama said
"Ok let me grab some plates" you replied searching in his cabinets. After some time everything was set up and ready to be eaten.

"Itadakimasu!" You both said.
"It's so good" you cried enjoying the deliciousness "You are a great cook" you praised Saitama.

"Thanks, but you helped too" he said eating. You blushed feeling appreciated, Garou wouldn't do that, nor would he thank you. You had made a great decision on leaving him.

After finishing the meal, you helped Saitama clean up. You talked for the remainder of the time before you decided to leave so he could get rest. "Thank you for everything" you said standing up.

"You're leaving?" He asked
"Yeah it's getting late, I'm sure you need rest...good night Saitama" you said walking out the door.

"Goodnight (Y/N)..."

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