Lo part 1

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Hi, this is the first book i'm uploading. Please critic me but please don't be mean i'm working realy hard on this book. Tell me if you like it!




Chapter 1


The setting sun turned the sky into a piece of art with hues of blues, purples, oranges and pinks. A color I never really appreciated but could in the brilliance of that.

As I dangle my legs over the edge of the fire escape of my brother Jaden and I's apartment, someone knocks on the door. Jumping up I answer the demanding pounds. A smile paints itself on my face as I see Dakota Jaden's girlfriend standing at the door.

Dakota stretches out her arms taking me into an embrace. "Where's Jaden?" Dakota asked walking over to the fridge popping open a beer and throwing me a soda.

I caught the flying can with extreme accuracy. "He's at the store" I replied cracking open the fizzing liquid as Dakota plopped down on the couch. "Make yourself at home, but you don't need any help doing that do you" Dakota pulled out a bag of chips from the mini fridge


"Did you eat anything yet?" she asked as I take a sip of soda. "Want one?" Dakota asked holding out the bag. Then Jaden came home. Dakota suddenly turned as I was taking a chip causing me to fall. "Jaden Baruch where have you been?" Dakota asked as Jaden began to unpack the bags of groceries.

"I was at the store because you keep eating all our food." he said impatiently "Lo come help me with the groceries. Lo! LO! Lorraine Baruch! Why are you on the floor" You know the sad truth now my name is Lorraine I came up with the nickname Lo at age two. I knew that it was a bad name to be stuck with. "Lo are you listening to me get up."

"Coming Jaden" I call brushing myself off. I really needed to clean this place up. Jaden's always getting a job and looking for better jobs. Leaving me to do every thing here. I do my best to keep his life as pain free as possible. A sigh of disappointment floods over me as Jaden begins walking away with Dakota.

"Lo were going out" he said as he discovered one of the hidden dust bunnies and let out a gasp of disgust. "After you put the rest of the groceries away clean this place up." He closed the door but I could hear their silent laughing all the way down the hall. A sigh of pain exits my mouth. Grabbing the vacume I sweep up the chunks of chips Dakota left behind. You have to love her but could she be more of a pig!

Done. Whipping the sweat from just above my lip. What did Jaden get anyway? The brown paper bags call me to unpack them like Jaden had instructed. Butter milk eggs into the fridge you go. Um... why do we have so many left overs. Pulling the containers out one at a time I smell the frozen food of meals past. "Mold , smells" I say while picking through the fridge. How had Dakota even found a beer in here anyway?

Done, The tupper wear was put away, the groceries away, and old food out the window into the dumpster below.

The numb drone of the busy street takes me away with a swift smell of... what was it. Running to the fire escape on the fifth story I spot my knight in shining armor and best buddy Caden Brockton. In his arms a bag filled with goodies and dvd's for us to enjoy. He lifts his full arm. "Hey Rapunzle get down here this ladder ain't no thrill ride." Giggling I swing down to the next level down.

"Lo" I turn to see old Miss. Patty looking at me. Miss Pattie is in the apartment below ours and makes us home cooked meals sometimes. She's the grandmother I wished I had. "You be careful." With a wink I attempt the next leap. No remarks from the other neighbors as I descend to the second story fire escape. Where just like a gentleman Caden hands all the bags over to me. Rolling my eyes and punching him in the arm I begin my assent to my apartment. Cade lags far behind as I make a hasty climb.

After arriving at my destination I unpack the goods in front of the TV. Soda, licorice, popcorn, and ninja movies perfect. When Cade finally makes it up after I've made the popcorn. He pants as he flings himself up to the metal floor "My friend you really must get better at something besides track." I say playing around.

"Well miss I could join the frickin' circus I just ran like 15 blocks-"

"Exaggerating of coarse" I say throwing in my two cents. As I put the popcorn into a dish.

"Of coarse" He mocked "But any way I had to buy all that stuff" He says while sitting up and walking inside. Flicking his semi long hair out of his face which he knows I despise I see a mark on his forehead.

Quickly I straddle him to the ground and examine the mark. "What is this?" I ask .

"Um this is awkward" he says trying to push up against my weight. This was difficult because I was pinning him to the floor.

"No this mark on your forehead is this a cut? Did you get in a fight?" I ask truly concerned knowing he is the pinpoint of slight mocking at school. I rubbed my finger across the small cut.

"No, I bumped my head against a locker" He said finally pushing me off. "You psychopath you gave me a bruise." He moaned rubbing his arms. "Look" He shouted shoving his arm in my face.


My mouth bit down on my dear friends arm. Not hard enough to do damage but just enough to hurt. "Lo you... you have rabies or something freak." Caden said rubbing away the non existent spit on his arm.

Slowly I kiss the place where I bit "I'm sorry" I look up at him with fake innocence and guilt in my eyes. He gives me a hug then puts in the movie. We get covers and pillows. I turn off the lights as he gets all the refreshments onto the couch. We snuggle up and enjoy the kick butt ninjas and explosions. A flash of pink appears at the window. "Aw crap" I say hitting my self on the head why hadn't I closed the curtains.

Tap tap.

Caden and I look at each other and with just one word all is explained "Alice." It's not that we didn't like Alice well actually that was the problem she annoyed the living daylights out of us. Alice was a girly girl in disguise. She practically oozed brat and she didn't leave you alone. Fact is the girl couldn't take a hint. She was dressing like a goth and a priss at the same time and it looked like crap. She practically shaved her head to give her an edgy look which didn't look to bad but then add an addiction to the crappiest bands in the world with a hint of every-thing-needs-to-go-my-way-itus then you got Alice.

Tap tap.

Wasn't bad enough that she stalked us at school but now over summer break too. This was getting out of hand! "If we ignore her and don't move will she go away?" I ask hoping it will be true but we new better nothing got rid of that girl. "Caden I'm going to put my head on your shoulder just pretend to be asleep." I quietly whispered barely moving my mouth. I moved as if asleep getting comfy and placed my head on Cade's shoulder. Caden head rested on mine. Alice's spikes showed up in the moon light out side. Her eyes peeked into the room. I think she realized we were and slipped down the ladder. A breath of relief slips from my mouth.

A look to Caden shows he actually fell asleep. He was actually quite innocent when he was asleep. I moved the snacks and stopped the movie all with out moving my head. Then slowly move my head. Suddenly a weight is on me causing a blush to cross my cheeks. Caden's arms were sprawled but his head had laid on my lap. Oh my innocent friend for nothing would I change. I brushed his light reddish brown hair from his head and place a kiss on his forehead. I couldn't help my self but I gathered him in my arms and held him to my chest as I cried. Beautiful droplets of water fell on his face. Slowly I feel his arms reach arms around me. "Don't cry Lo" Caden said making me hold him closer. The boy, no, the man in my arms was closer to me than most people. I knew Jaden better than himself but he didn't know me that well but Caden did and as he held me I was calm. He pulled away and brushed the dangling hair from my forehead slowly just as I had he kissed my forehead as well. "Your eyes are to beautiful to shed those tears." This is the way I love Caden. Tears just roll down my face faster. Each tear is whipped away by strong fingers. Caden picked me up and carried me to my room where we layed together.


Thanks for reading this section i will try my best to update soon!!!

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