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It had been roughly four years since his brother had gotten his big applause. Wolf remembered it well, he cried that night. Not because his brother proposed to Junit, not because that moment was so special. It was the memory of his father, Dustin Victor Dewynnt, that brought him to tears. Tomas had renamed the theater to 'Dustin Victor Dewynnt Memorial Theater', it was further proof to Wolf that his brother had finally found his humanity.But the events that brought Junit to Tomas had also changed Wolf's life. There used to be a time when he was a careless cheerful teenager. The car crash changed that, the crash of losing his father changed that. Wolf lost his interest in cars in the year after the crash, he realized his left leg would never fully recover, even now he often used a cane to support his limping leg.But this day was not one about mourning. Today was the result of that question that Tomas had asked so long ago.

"Will you live the dream together with me?" Tomas had asked.

But Junit had not been of their world, her pitch black skin had been proof enough of that, the authorities simply refused to marry them. It had been Wolf's suggestion that Tomas contact a few old friends to perform the service instead.

"Father Evarson, I am glad you wanted to help my brother out." Wolf said fumbling with the tuxedo's tie.

"Dustin, your brother and his future wife are special, how could I pass out on the offer to marry them." Benjamin Evarson said.

The catholic priest somehow looked more sane then then the first time Wolf had seen them.

"I should use that name more often." Wolf responded.

His true name had been Dustin Wolfgang Dewynnt, his father had always called him Dustin Jr., but he always insisted on the name 'Wolf' himself. After his father died Wolf realized that the name was the only thing he had left of his father.

"I realize that it would cause you pain to be reminded of your father." Benjamin Evarson said resting his hand on Wolf's shoulder.

"He gave his life to save so many other." Wolf said barely keeping his eyes dry, "I am not even worthy to carry his name."

"He gave you that name." Benjamin Evarson said, "If he would not have wanted you to use it he would never have done so."

"Tell me one thing father." Wolf said, "Why does God make it hurt so much?"

Wolf sat down on his bed.

"The lord often works in mysterious ways, whatever he means by his actions we do not know." "Or perhaps he simply does not exist." Wolf said. "Your doubt is very understandable." Benjamin Evarson said.

Wolf discussed the matter further with the priest, but it offered no satisfaction.


After Evarson left Wolf took a tissue to dry his tears. He splashed some cold water in his face before leaving the room to go downstairs. The completely re-decorated hallway was turned into a ballroom. Both side-entrances led to carefully locked rooms. Wolf slowly descended the stairs, almost tripping of his feet because of the shoes he was forced to wear with the tuxedo.There were many familiar faces at the party. Wolf spotted the people that had once taken care of Junit during her captivity. At the small makeshift altar there were three people waiting. Benjamin Evarson had already visited him earlier, he had changed into more formal clothing. The other two were Elisabeth Solana and Ahmad Kaipeem, the Wicca Priestes and Imam. If Wolf wouldn't have known his brother so well he could have guessed Tomas was quite the religious figure. It had been Wolf's idea to invite the Catholic, the Wicca and the Muslim to marry Tomas and Junit and all three of them whole-heartily agreed to do so.

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