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L osing a battle between you and your heart is the worst of all.

O perating alone is not the way you should be forced to go.

N onetheless, you can’t help but know it’s your own doing.

G one: just like that, everything you are can disappear.

I nside you seem to know the truth, even though we are so young into our youth.

N ever would I have thought life would be this way

G rief-stricken, thinking of those things others will have that I will never. I know it will be this way forever.   


There is a "trick" I did in this piece that gives the poem a deeper meaning. If you notice it or think you know what it is; comment. I would love to see if you pick up on it and understand the significance of it without explanation. ^_^ 

 Thank you 'darkasthenight' for having my work on your reading list. ^_^

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