Chapter 2

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As I was walking to I walked past these group of guys. "Excuse me." I said to them. One of them said something about my ass. Then suddenly he grabbed a hand full of my ass and squeezed it. My eyes widened and next thing you know I back hand smacked him sending him falling to the floor. "Next time you touch me it'll be worse!" I yelled at him. He just spit the blood that was in his mouth out and laughed. This nigga thought this was funny. So the guy that standing next to me I pulled both of his guns from his waist. And pointed them at the batstard that was on the floor and cocked them both back." Now does it look like I'm playing bitch! "I screamed. His eyes got wide and he put his hands up in surrender and said " alright, alright I'm sorry just put the guns down PLEASE!"He begged. I put the guns down and handed them back to the guy. All of the boys looked at me shocked. I just rolled my eyes and continued my walk to school.

10 minutes later I was at school. I made my way to my locker. And just to my luck the schools biggest hoe Kylie Johnson and her two followers walked past me. Kylie slammed my locker door on my hand. I was in so much pain. I wanted to scream but I just kept quiet and let the tears rush down my face. The hallway erupted in laughter. Everyone was pointing at me and taking pictures.

I took my hand out the locker and went to the nurse. She wrapped my hand up and me I told me that it would on for a few weeks. Then she sent me off to class.

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