Chapter 10: Spirit of Rudania

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Daruk roared. "Never better! Feels so good to be unchained from that pig blight."

"Good to hear that." Zelda replied. "Where are you going after this?"

"Well, where else? The afterlife of course. Along with the other Champions."

Zelda tapped Link's shoulder. "Link? Shall we go?"

Link nodded. "You guys are going?" Daruk asked.

"Yup. We're gonna stick around, talks with Bludo and Yunobo."

"Alrighty then. Take care, little guy!" Daruk slapped his giant hand onto Link's back. Then he laughed.

Zelda took out the Slate, opened the map, tapped on Shae Mo'sah shrine. Link held the Slate. They waved at Daruk, then Zelda tapped the button, and they faded.

However, right as the last particle left the area, Daruk suddenly felt a surge of bad feeling. "What was that?!" He said to himself. He tried to locate where the surge was from, and it ended at the direction of Hyrule Castle. He can't help but feel that something terrible is about to happen soon...


Link and Zelda reappeared one atom at a time at Shae Mo'sah Shrine. They've grown a bit to the ridiculously hot aura up at the peak of Death Mountain, so the aura down there almost felt cool.

But it's still burning.

Zelda looked up to the huge mountain carving above Goron City. "Woah..! Look at that!" She said as she recognized a very familiar face in there. "Is that..."

"Yup." Link interrupted. "That's Daruk."

"How did I not see that before..." Zelda wondered to herself. "It's incredible."

They walked down the path back towards Bludo's cave. "Up there, you said Daruk's descendant?" Zelda asked.

"Yeah. Yunobo. He's the descendant of Daruk."

As they reached Bludo's house, he noticed them. Zelda waved at him.

"You're back already?!" Bludo asked.

"Yes we are." Zelda replied.

"So, how did things go up there?"

"It went great. Thanks."

"Glad to hear." Bludo scratched his back. "Anything else you need?"

"Uh, yeah. Where can I find... What's his name?"

"Yunobo." Link answered.

"Yeah. Yunobo. Daruk's descendant?"

"That boy? He's probably above the city's entrance arch." Bludo pointed to the metal arch at the entrance of the city. "There's a rough path that leads up there."

Zelda turned to where his finger was pointing, the arch. She then saw a figure standing on the arch. She thought that might be him. "Oh, I think I see him. I'll go there immediately." Zelda turned back to Bludo, bowed. "Thank you for everything, sir."

Bludo laughed. "No need to thank me, princess. I am honored to have you around." He bowed back, though it was very scuffed. "Good luck on your journey, princess. And Link."

"Thank you. We will see you soon." Zelda smiled, then turned around and started walking to the arch, Link tailing.

"So, what do you think of the chief?" Link asked her as they were crossing the bridge.

"I like him. He looks scary, but I can do tell he's friendly. I hope it'll be easy to cooperate with him on my future plans." Zelda replied.

"Of course it'll be. Your charm melts everyone." Link blurted out.

Zelda's cheeks turned rosy, she punched Link's hip lightly. "Don't say stuff like that in public." She said in a low tone.

"What? Why do you have to be scared? I can just immediately kiss you right here right now." Link said, "Well not now, because our big masks are in the way, but I can kiss you everywhere else." Link smirked.

Zelda sighed. "I don't know whether I should be happy or scared or both." Link giggled.

Before they reached the path, Yunobo noticed Link from above. He waved at them with a smile. Link waved back. Once they reached the rocky path and went up it, Yunobo was there to greet them.

"Oh hey goro! Nice to see you again!" Said Yunobo with his high pitched voice.

"Hey Yunobo. Nice to see you too. How're you doin?" Link replied.

"As great as Death Mountain!" He then noticed Zelda. "And hi! Are you having a friend?"

"Well..." Zelda looked over to Link. He only smiled. "Let's just say were more than friends. I'm Zelda."

Yunobo's face turned shocked. "Link, you never said you had a girl. And why does Zelda sound so familiar...?"

"You've probably heard it from the elders. Zelda was the name of the princess of Hyrule from 100 years ago." She replied.

Yunobo clicked. "Oh yeah! Princess, like in Lord Daruk's journal."

There was another silence. 5 seconds later, it clicked to Yunobo. "Wait... Don't tell me... You're the princess goro?"

Zelda smiled. "Bingo!"

Yunobo woahed. "But, that was 100 years ago. How did... The both of you get through 100 years? I'm pretty sure Hylians get very old for living that long, goro. You guys look young!"

"We're... Special." Said Link.

"It's a truly long story." Said Zelda.

"I don't mind. Tell me! I've got time!" Said Yunobo excitedly.

Thus, Link, Zelda and Yunobo hanger out on the arch, telling their story. Yunobo had some hilarious reactions. They had a good chat together.

After the sun had his itself under the horizon, Link and Zelda stayed at the Rollin' Inn, the local inn of Goron City. By the next morning, they said their farewell to Bludo and Yunobo, and they headed off to their next destination.

[Day 14]

"So, where to now?" Ask Link.

Zelda had her eyes on the Slate. "Like I said, we're going counter clockwise. So, the Great Hyrule Forest is next. We get to meet the Great Deku Tree."


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