12. Georgia

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I wake up and feel someone beside me. It is now summer so I sleep naked when I'm alone.

"Rye!" I scream as I see him.

"What happened?" He jumped up.

"Why are you here?" I ask, happiness filling me.

"Youre leaving in 2 days so I came here do we can do American things together." He smiled.

"Okay, can I change?" I ask and he nods but doesnt move.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, I guess he noticed my facial expression.

"I-I need to change." I say.

"Do you not want to change in front of me? Ive seen it all ya know." He chuckled at the last part.

"But I've gained weight and ive gotten fatter and-" I started studdering and crying.

"Hey Hey hey. Youre not fat youre beautiful. Im glad youre gaining weight because you weigh nothing." He smiles.

"Please.." I say looking into his eyes.

"I have to change too." He said and I smerked a little.

"Okay." I sigh before standing up. I feel his eyes looking at me.

"Like the view?" I ask.

"More than you know." I hear him say.

I put on the blue underwear set that I wore when we first... Yeah.

"You look so

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"You look so..." He said and groaned at the end.

"Well I wish I could say the same." I say and he pouts.

"But not even that can explain how good you look." I add and he smerks.

We go to Dicks Last Resort and I could tell He was confused.

"Why do they act like that?" He asked.

"Thats How they are suppost to act. They get paid to be assholes." I tell him.

"Andy needs this job." He says and I laugh.

"Hahaha. Whatd so funny?" The waiter came up.

"Inside joke." I say before turning to Rye.

"Ooh. So y'all are like a couple?" He asked When he seen the way Rye looked at me.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Names?" He asked and he wrote our names down when we told him.

"Be right back." He stated before walking off.

"What was that?" Rye asked and I shrugged.

The waiter came back with a cake and they sung for us.

"Aww that's nice." I smile.

"Don't eat the cake, none of the cooks made it." A girl whispered as they walk back to the kitchen.


We make it back home at 6pm and I wanted to watch something. I turn on YouTube and watch my favriote thing... Randy moments.

"You a Randy shipper?" Rye asked as he set his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah but I wish I could be him." I sigh.

"Oh baby, you have more that he does." Rye smerks and pecks my lips while i blush.

"Y-yeah I gu-guess I d-do." I say.

"You dont need to be nervous." Rye said as he sat beside me.

"O-oh. Ok-ay." I smile.

We watch more Randy moments before we head up to bed.

"Night Rye." I smile at him.

"Goodnight." He kisses my forehead.

Just a girl// Rye beaumontWhere stories live. Discover now